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(After the attempt to cross the Caradhras)

Elves and wizards don't get cold, but men, dwarves, and hobbits unfortunately do.

They had attempted the Caradhras, at both Gandalf and Aragorn's request. After the relentless snow being hurled at them for hours, it was deemed necessary to forsake the mountain pass.

Legolas ran lightly over the snow, his feet barely leaving a mark. Boromir and Aragorn had managed to dig a path, although Legolas had no idea where they found the strength after each carrying 2 hobbits for hours. However, that path now quickened their retreat and Legolas stood ahead, waiting for the rest of the fellowship to catch up.

Aragorn came first, beginning to stumble under the weight of the hobbits in his arms. Legolas reached out, wordlessly taking Frodo from Aragorn and gently setting him on the soft ground below where the snow wasn't so deep. Aragorn helped Sam, before scrambling down himself. Boromir, Merry, and Pippin came next, followed by Gimli and Gandalf.

It was an unspoken fact that the fellowship could travel no further in this condition, and they decided to hunker down under a cluster of trees at the base of the mountain. At this point, Aragorn was nearly overcome with weariness, and he would've face-planted in the snow if Legolas hadn't wrapped a steadying arm around him. The firewood that Boromir had brought was now definitely going to be put to good use.

Gandalf quickly started a fire as Legolas gently helped Aragorn sit on a log in front of it. The ranger barely reacted as Legolas took his shaking hands in his own. "Gandalf, we need to do something, they're all going to freeze to death," Legolas's voice rang with concern and alarm as he looked at the wizard.

"We need to warm them quickly, grab all of the blankets out of the packs," Gandalf instructed Legolas. The elf nodded and raced around the makeshift campsite, rummaging through the packs for any and all of the blankets he could find.

Gandalf and Legolas went around the fellowship, handing out all of the blankets that they could. Since they had so few, many had to share. It ended with the hobbits sharing 2 blankets between the four of them, and Gimli and Boromir each got their own. Gandalf took a seat on a log close to the fire, as Legolas approached Aragorn with the last blanket.

"Here," whispered Legolas, tightly wrapping the blanket around Aragorn as he sat next to him, pulling him into a tight hug. Aragorn's body felt like ice, and Legolas pressed himself even closer against the shivering ranger. "W-Wish I were an elf right n-now," Aragorn muttered against Legolas's chest through chattering teeth. The elf let out a small laugh, his body curling protectively around the ranger's as his body heat began to seep into Aragorn.

"I think you're perfect the way you are," Legolas finally replied. Aragorn grunted in response, his cold fingers curling into the warm fabric of Legolas's shirt.

Finally, the ranger could begin to feel his arms and legs again. "My savior," Aragorn murmured with a small smile, looking up at Legolas. The elf leaned down and kissed him, before pulling back with a chuckle. "Anything for my ranger."

A/N: Sorry this chapter is so short, but I really wanted to write something like this for awhile. (Especially after watching the lotr reunion this morning :) Thanks for reading, and hopefully these next few chapters will be longer.

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