The Dead Will Walk Again

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(One where Aragorn was thought to be dead, requested by @pmz06)

(Right before Helms Deep)

Legolas felt numb. Aragorn was gone. He had fallen over the cliff, and Legolas couldn't save him. Théoden was calling for everyone to continue forth to Helm's Deep, but Legolas couldn't tear his eyes from the sight of the cliff. Gimli appeared by his side and urged him to join the others. The elf shook his head. "Come laddie, there is no way anybody, not even our Aragorn could survive that fall," Gimli spoke quietly, putting a comforting hand on the elf's shoulder. "I have to know for sure," Legolas replied as he stood, mounted Arod, and rode off. Gimli sighed and watched him go.

The elf had a hard time finding his way down through the steep, rocky terrain, but eventually he made his way to the river. Just as he was about to turn his search in the other direction, Legolas caught a glimpse of something in the sand up ahead. The elf urged Arod forward, coming to a halt next to the figure.

Legolas jumped off his horse and raced towards the figure laying in the sand, dropping to his knees next to it. "Aragorn!" The elf breathed a sigh of relief as he saw the ranger's chest rise and fall, and carefully pulled the man into a sitting position against the elf's side to assess his injuries. Aragorn mumbled something under his breath, and his eyes opened at the sudden movement.

"Shh, it's me, it's Legolas. You're hurt, try not to move too much." The elf's soothing voice seemed to work as the ranger closed his eyes again and relaxed against Legolas's body. Trying not to jostle the man or any of his wounds, Legolas reached over with one arm and grabbed a blanket, wrapping it gently around the soaking wet Aragorn.

Keeping one of his arms around the ranger's upper body, Legolas slid the other one under his legs and lifted him. Aragorn could not go very far in this condition without some kind of treatment, so Legolas gently set the man down with his back leaning against a tree for support. The elf quickly built a small fire, hoping that it would awaken the still shivering ranger, and disappeared into the trees nearby to hunt for some herbs.

Legolas made his way back and kneeled before Aragorn, mixing the herbs he gathered into a murky-looking medicine. "Aragorn. Can you wake up for me?" Legolas reached up with one hand, cupping the ranger's cheek. Aragorn stirred and slowly blinked in confusion. "Legolas?" The elf smiled and held out a small cup. "Yeah it's me, can you drink this for me?" Aragorn took the medicine silently, handing the empty cup back to Legolas with a sigh. "Get some rest, your body needs it," Legolas ordered, pulling the blanket tighter around the ranger.

Aragorn dozed on and off for a few hours as Legolas kept watch. He finally awoke as the elf was dousing  out the fire. "How do you feel?" Legolas asked softly, turning and walking towards the ranger. "Like my whole body has been trampled on," Aragorn replied, wincing as he shifted to a better sitting position. Legolas smiled and sat next to him. "Well, falling off of a cliff will do that to you."

"I looked at the cliff, and I honestly don't know how I survived," Aragorn admitted, looking down at his trembling hands. "Why didn't you think I was dead like the others must have?" Legolas shifted closer and took the ranger's shaking hands in his own, giving them a squeeze. "My heart said that you were still alive, and besides I wouldn't want to face this without you," the elf replied with another smile.

Aragorn leaned in closer, pressing his lips against Legolas's. "Well thank you for finding me," he murmured against the elf's lips. "I love you more than life itself," Legolas replied, wrapping and tightening his arms around his ranger. Aragorn let his head fall against the elf's chest, with a small, sleepy smile on his face.

There was nothing more comforting to Aragorn than the music of Legolas's heartbeat, music that somehow manages to put the broken ranger together over and over again.

(Right after the battle of the black gates)

It was a troll. Aragorn was fighting a troll, a troll that was going to kill him. Legolas screamed Aragorn's name, trying desperately to get through the swarms of orcs to his love in time. But when he finally got there, Aragorn was nowhere to be seen.

Countless bodies now littered the battlefield, but Aragorn wasn't among them. That should've been somewhat of a relief to Legolas, but it only added to his worry. Aragorn was gone, and it was his fault if Gondor has just lost its new king. All throughout the return journey back to Gondor, Legolas felt empty.

A few days later, during the late afternoon, there was a commotion at the front gate. The crowd began to swarm, trying to get a glance at the incoming soldiers and talking in hushed whispers about the rumor of the king's return. Legolas shoved his way through the crowd to the gate, and gazed impatiently towards the soldiers.

When they brought an unconscious Aragorn in, Legolas felt like his whole world stopped. He fought back his tears and struggled to breathe as he looked down at the severely wounded ranger. Aragorn was badly injured, with multiple broken bones and large gashes covering his body. He was immediately rushed into the Houses of Healing, but nobody was really sure that Aragorn would even make the night.

A whole new round of terror was upon the elf, having been shoved out of the room while healers tended to Aragorn's wounds. Legolas shouted and pounded on the door desperately, but to no avail. He sank down to the floor, finally allowing his tears to fall.

After what felt like an eternity, the door behind him opened, and out stepped Gandalf. Legolas sprang to his feet at once, searching Gandalf's face for any clues as to what happened. To the elf's surprise, the wizard was smiling. "He's been asking for you," Gandalf said, walking past the elf and out into the courtyard. Legolas wasting no time in pushing open the door and stepping inside the dimly lit room.

"Legolas," Aragorn's voice was quiet and raspy from disuse, but Legolas's elven ears heard it anyway. "Aragorn! Oh thank the Valar, I was so scared," the elf breathed, rushing to his bedside and squeezing Aragorn's hand. "I'm sorry," the ranger whispered weakly, not meeting the elf's eyes. Legolas smiled, reaching up with his other hand to gently wipe away the few tears running down the ranger's face. "You're okay now, and that's all that matters," Legolas replied softly.

Aragorn closed his eyes and nodded, taking a deep breath. He was truly exhausted and finally felt safe enough to rest with Legolas at his side. "Get some sleep, I'll be back when you wake," Legolas whispered, giving Aragorn's hand one last squeeze and turning to leave. "No don't go! Stay," panic laced the ranger's voice, and he cried out in pain as he struggled to sit up.

Legolas sat down on the bed next to Aragorn and carefully wrapped an arm around him, gently pulling him against his side. "Shh you're okay, I promise." Aragorn laid his head on Legolas's shoulder, and breathed in the elf's calming scent. Legolas pressed a soft kiss against the top of the ranger's head. "I love you Aragorn, I'm not ever going to leave you again." "I love you too, and I'll be more careful in the future," Aragorn murmured in response, his fingers curling into the elf's shirt.

Aragorn was safe here in Legolas's arms, and Legolas could breathe properly again at last.


A/N: I decided to do two different versions of this, but I hope you like it. Thanks again for the requests! :)

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