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Aragorn didn't always know how to use a bow, at least not until Legolas taught him on one of the ranger's visits to Mirkwood......

Aragorn was seated on a small boulder, sharpening his sword as Legolas was teaching archery to some of the new patrol recruits. He was so engrossed in his work that he didn't even hear Legolas dismiss the class for the day and approach him.

"You know, it would probably be helpful for you to learn archery as well." Aragorn looked up in surprise to see the elf staring at him. "I don't think I would quite fit in with your other students," the ranger finally said with a grin, setting aside his sword and walking towards the elf. "I think I could manage a private session just for you," Legolas said as the ranger walked up to him. "Mmm that sounds like a deal to me," Aragorn replied, leaning down and giving Legolas a kiss.

The very next day, Aragorn found himself in a clearing surrounded by targets with Legolas. The ranger eyed the bow in his hand doubtfully, he had always been more of a swordsman. Noticing his apprehension, the elf put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Relax, Aragorn. This is a smaller bow, so it is easier to control and practice with." Aragorn sighed and nodded as Legolas walked to stand behind him.

"You want to be standing straight, with your feet shoulder length apart, your right foot slightly in front of your left." Aragorn did as Legolas bade him, and waited for the elf to continue as he pulled out an arrow. "Now, since you are right handed, you're going to aim with that arm and pull the string with your left," Legolas instructed softly from behind the ranger, leaning forward to slightly adjust his hands.

"Take a deep breath in, and pull back the string, aiming for the target as you inhale. Release the arrow as you exhale," Legolas continued, stepping to the side to watch Aragorn's following actions. The ranger took a deep breath and drew back the arrow with his left hand, releasing it as he exhaled and launching the arrow towards the target. Legolas watched as the arrow hit the target and bounced off into the grass.

The ranger was kind of disappointed, but couldn't say that he was surprised. "It's okay Aragorn, more practice will make you better with time. That was actually a good shot for your first try." "Really?" Now Aragorn looked at him in surprise. "Yes really, I wouldn't lie to you," The elf replied with a gentle smile.

Throughout the rest of Aragorn's visit, Legolas would find him out in the clearing practicing. The elf watched him improve more and more everyday. He was definitely happy with the man's progress and seeing Aragorn's bright smile when his work finally paid off was definitely worth it.

-skipping to the battle in Moria-

"Look at your tiny bow," the elf laughed. "It's not the bows that count, it's the arrows," Aragorn replied, shooting Legolas a quick grin. Legolas shook his head and smiled. "I guess we'll see if your training finally pays off," the elf said, aiming his bow at the small hole in the door as the clamoring orcs drew closer.

They came in swarms, each one faster than the last. "Arrgh," Aragorn grunted, firing off arrow after arrow as the elf gracefully flitted around making it look easy. "Twenty-seven so far, Aragorn!" The elf glanced over, waiting for the ranger's reply when the troll came barreling towards him out of nowhere.

"Aragorn!" Legolas cried out as the ranger was hurled against a wall. He desperately shot off arrow after arrow into the troll, but it just wouldn't die. Seeing the troll still making its way over to Aragorn, it's eyes bent on its prey, Legolas jumped onto its shoulders, firing 3 arrows right into its brain.

Legolas dropped onto the ground next to the unconscious ranger as the cave troll now swayed above them. "Aragorn. Aragorn, you need to wake up for me." The ranger slowly opened his eyes with a small groan. "You win," he mumbled as the cave troll finally collapsed behind them. Legolas laughed and pulled him into a tight hug. "I am winning as long as you're safe," Legolas replied, pressing a quick kiss against the top of the rangers head and pulling him to his feet.


A/N: This was sort of inspired from Viggo & Orlando just being dorks on set. It's also because I really want to learn the bow & arrow, so in a way I'm living through my writing. Anyway, thanks for reading!

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