Hide & Seek

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(I'm not quite sure where this would fit in with the actual story, so you can imagine whenever you would like it to happen, although Gandalf is not here at this point)

It was all the hobbits' idea. They needed something to take the task at hand off of their minds, so Aragorn had reluctantly agreed. Legolas grinned as he watched the hobbits argue amongst themselves about who would be the ones to look and who would be the ones to hide. Eventually, after much debate, it was decided that Frodo and Sam would be the ones to find everyone after counting to 25. If they found you, you had to help search for the others.

It was fun idea at first, but everyone quickly discovered that there weren't many places to hide. Aragorn squeezed Legolas's hand and shot him a smile before disappearing into a grove of trees as Merry and Pippin hid themselves by crouching under the rocks nearby. Boromir disappeared behind a large tree trunk. Gimli vanished behind a large log, and Legolas was still searching for a hiding place. The elf finally decided to hide in the flowers growing near the entrance of the trees, just off the path. He nestled in amongst them, laying on his stomach with his cloak covering his long blonde hair and the rest of the signs that would've surely given him away.

Suddenly, Sam and Frodo's voice echoed all around them, and the hiders now knew that the hobbits were looking for them. What they didn't know, was that the hobbits had decided to split up in order to cover more territory quicker. Merry and Pippin were the first ones to be found found by Frodo, and Boromir was found a few minutes later by Sam. Legolas was next to be found by Boromir. The man laughed as he helped the elf to his feet. "I thought an elf like you would be hidden in the treetops somewhere." Legolas shrugged with a small smile. "I thought maybe I'd mix it up."

Everyone had now been found except for Gimli and Aragorn. The hobbits and Boromir ran around, starting to get concerned when they couldn't find the other missing members after 15 minutes of searching. Legolas was concerned too, although he concealed it well as his elf eyes scanned the treetops. He wanted to be the one to find Aragorn, he needed to make sure the ranger was okay and that nothing had happened to him.

He probably wouldn't have found Aragorn if the trees didn't betray the ranger. A branch snapped and crashed from above, followed by a quiet curse. The elf laughed, gazing up into the tree right above him. Aragorn was nestled amongst the branches, his green and brown clothes blending perfectly into everything around him, so that only his face and sea gray eyes were visible to anyone looking up from the ground.

Legolas looked up into the tree with a relieved smile. "How did you even get up there?" Aragorn laughed, disentangling himself from the branches and jumping down. He landed lightly on his feet, one of the many tricks he had picked up during his childhood in Rivendell. "You forget who raised me, Legolas," the ranger replied softly, walking closer to the elf.

Suddenly it wasn't just about the game anymore, it was about so much more. "You found me," Aragorn whispered with a smile, wrapping his arms around Legolas and tugging him closer. "I found you," Legolas replied as their lips met in a kiss.

A/N: The idea for this one came from that scene where Boromir is training the hobbits on how to use swords. Every time I see Aragorn smile in that scene it makes my day.....and I'm sure it makes Legolas's too :)

Also on a (sort of) unrelated note, I just watched Green Book. 10/10 recommend, Viggo was definitely robbed of an Oscar.

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