Gift of Men

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(Takes place in Aragorn's bedchambers in Gondor)

The aging process had been kind to Aragorn. There was no difference at all in the man, besides that of his appearance. His beard and chocolate brown locks now shone with shimmering silver, and in Legolas's eyes that just added on to the man's never-ending beauty. But all good and beautiful things must come to an end.....

It had been planned down to the exact day, the exact hour and minute, when Aragorn would no longer draw breath. Legolas had reluctantly agreed to the plan, but wasn't quite sure how or if he would even survive after Aragorn was gone. Despite the multitude of reasons why this needed to be done, on the chosen day Legolas couldn't help but beg Aragorn to reconsider.

"Please, Aragorn, don't leave," Legolas's voice trembled, and tears streamed down his face. Normally the elf would hide his tears, but none of that mattered right now. "Meleth nin, I will always be with you in one way or another," Aragorn replied, embracing the elf and pressing a kiss against his head. "I love you more than you could ever know." "Then stay here with me," Legolas said fiercely. "You know that I cannot do that," the king whispered sadly as Legolas pulled back to look into his eyes, silently begging him not to do this.

Aragorn looked away first, now blinking back his own tears. "Please don't fight this," the ranger whispered as his voice cracked, "I don't want to argue, and I definitely don't want to be alone right now." Legolas swallowed back the sobs continuing to build in the back of his throat and nodded. Aragorn was still right here, and he was hurting just as much as Legolas was. There would be plenty of time for the elf to grieve in private later.

Legolas moved closer to him, and Aragorn laid down on the bed with his head resting in the elf's lap. The ranger reached up and squeezed one of Legolas's hands reassuringly. "I love you more than anything," Aragorn whispered. "And I love you," the elf replied softly, his voice full of emotion.

Aragorn smiled and closed his eyes, drawing in one last breath. Legolas held him close, his tears now falling freely as Aragorn's heartbeat slowed in his ears. The elf leaned down, pressing one last kiss against his love's lips and drawing a deep, shuddering breath to compose himself. He then rose from the bed and exited the room, nodding to the guards on the way out to show that it was done and that Aragorn would now pass into history.

What then happened to prince Legolas, no one can tell. It is clear that he left Gondor in a hurry, but nobody knows what became of him. Some say he went to Lothlórien, others say he went back to Mirkwood, but everyone agreed that wherever he went, he probably died from his overwhelming grief.

It is hoped that Legolas and Aragorn have finally found peace beyond the circles of the world, but their love story will live on in the hearts of many for many centuries to come.

Elvish Translations (From Sindarian):
Meleth nin - my love

A/N: This one actually hurt to write, but it's okay because they're living happily ever after together in Valinor (at least in my head). Anyway, thanks for the continued show of support, it means a lot. 😊

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