Two Bodies, One Heart

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(Aragorn & Legolas's wedding)

The spring day was bright and sunny, truly perfect weather for a king's wedding. The birds were singing, and everyone was excited. Gondor was bustling about, and everywhere you looked there were preparations being made. It was supposed to be a day of great happiness and celebration, so why did Aragorn feel so nervous and terrified?

Despite everything, deep down some small part of Aragorn was still scared that Legolas didn't truly love him, that it was all a part of some act. But before his thoughts about that could get any farther, a knock at the door interrupted him. He opened the door, and there stood Gandalf with a big smile. "Well, my friend, this is the big day you've been awaiting a long time," Gandalf walked in and took a seat on the couch as he spoke. Aragorn closed the door and turned to face Gandalf with a sigh.

"What if Legolas changed his mind?" Gandalf stared at him. "Aragorn, you were raised by elves. You should know better than anyone that they don't feel things as easily as others." The ranger crossed over and stood in front of the wizard. "I know, but Legolas-" "But nothing, my friend, he loves you and you love him, don't overthink it." Aragorn sighed and nodded as Gandalf rose with a small smile. "Come. It is almost time. They will be here soon." Aragorn swallowed nervously and followed the wizard out the door.

The castle doors finally opened, and Aragorn walked outside with Gandalf. The crowd gazed at them in wonder, for Aragorn had never looked more a like a true king. His crown sat upon his (clean) brown fluffy hair, and he was clothed in deep red and black with the white tree of Gondor on his front, along with his silver arm bands from Boromir on his arms. Aragorn flashed a smile at the crowd, and bade the guards to go unlock the gate. As Aragorn and Gandalf took their places on the white steps for the upcoming ceremony, a trumpet blared in the distance.

The gates were drawn back, and all eyes now turned towards the incoming travelers. First came in a small host of guards, followed by the kings men and the banners of Mirkwood. Then came king Thranduil himself. He was seated on a great elk, and the crowd gasped in wonder at the sight of him. His silk-like robes shimmered in the sunlight like the light of a thousand stars, and upon his brow sat a twisted crown of silver branches bedazzled with small glittering jewels. His eyes roamed over everything, taking it all in at once. His elk walked to the end of the road near the steps where Aragorn stood, and waited expectantly. And if the crowd thought that nothing could top that entrance, well then they were quickly proven wrong.

For next, in rode the prince himself on a beautiful white horse with a braided mane and tail. The sight of him made even Aragorn gasp in surprise. Legolas was quite literally glowing in the sunlight, and a strong sense of happiness radiated from him. His hair was pulled back from his face in a braid, and on his head sat a intricate silver circlet. He was dressed in shimmering silver like his father, but he had silver branches winding around and embellished upon the edges of the robes. A small broach of silver tree branches with a green gem in the middle was fastened at his neck. The crowd looked on in awe, as the prince rode up to the steps where Aragorn was waiting, his own mouth dropping open when he first caught sight of his king.

Legolas quickly dismounted, and stood in front of Aragorn. "Wow," was all his brain could come up with as he looked at his beautiful (almost) husband. Aragorn reached forward, taking both of Legolas's hands in his own. "Wow indeed," breathed Aragorn as he looked into his soon-to-be prince's eyes. They probably would've stood there staring at each other all day if Gandalf didn't clear his throat, reminding them of everyone watching.

Reluctantly they tore their eyes from each other and turned to face Gandalf, now standing side by side with their backs towards the crowd. The rest of the ceremony ran smoothly (except for them crying over each other's vows obviously), and ended with Gandalf presenting them to the population of Gondor. "By the grace of The Valar, I give unto Gondor your king Aragorn and prince Legolas." The crowd's cheers were deafening, and Aragorn wrapped his arms around Legolas, pulling him in for a passionate kiss.

Another great feast had been prepared, and Aragorn and Legolas both knew they would have to make an appearance to speak with everyone, especially since Thranduil would be staying with them for a few days. But for now, they had elected to have a bit of privacy, a rare (although hopefully not so rare anymore) chance for them to just enjoy the other's company.

As they stood in each other's arms, watching the sunset on the balcony of Aragorn's chambers, they both realized that this was everything that they have ever wanted or dared to dream of. They were both home at last.

Home. They finally understood the meaning of that word. Aragorn and Legolas had found a home in each other.
(Vows) Since I couldn't work them into the story, I figured I'd mention them down here.

                                Legolas's vows:
Where do I even begin? Aragorn, my love, my ranger, my king, my everything, I have loved you since the day I first laid eyes on you. We barely knew each other then, back when we weren't sure where life was going to lead us, but around you I have always felt safe. You have taught me what true love is, and how to let myself feel again after everything I've been through. We've also been through a lot together, both good and bad, but I wouldn't trade a second of it for anything in this world. I am who I am because of you. I thank the Valar everyday that I get to wake up to your beautiful, smiling face. I definitely don't deserve you, but I am so glad I have you. You are the definition of perfection, the one missing piece of my heart that I have always been searching for and dreaming of. I have found a home in your embrace, and with you I am truly at peace. I can't live without you, you are my whole universe. I love you more than I could ever show or put into words. Aragorn, you are one the true king of Gondor, but you will forever be the one and only king of my heart. Gi melin, nin aran.

                                 Aragorn's vows:
Legolas, my prince, one and only love, and dearest companion, I had never expected to have someone like you in my life. I'm not sure that I ever even expected to fall in love. At the council of Elrond, I had only just barely heard of you, before we were thrust into the adventure of our life. Looking back, I cannot say enough how much this has changed my life, how much you changed my life. An elvish prince was by my side through everything, as deadly with the bow and arrow as he was lovelier than all of the stars in the sky. I am glad to stand here in front of everyone and say that I got to see the loveliness firsthand. I would do anything just to see you smile. Without you, I would be nothing. To be honest, I probably wouldn't even be alive. You have saved me over and over again, in more ways than you know. You complete me, and I know now that I couldn't face this life without you. Thank you for everything, and I can't wait to have you by my side on our next adventure. I will always be yours, both in this world and beyond. I love you more than life itself, my one and only prince, forever and always.

Elvish Translations (Sindarian):
Gi Melin, nin aran - I love you, my king

A/N: Okay, so I think this will be the last chapter of my story (or collection of stories), but I just want to thank all of you for taking the time to read these. I'll get a playlist made and posted in a few days, but after that there probably won't be any more updates. Thank you for everything, and Aralas shall forever live on in our hearts. :)

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