I love you

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It's funny how three little words can change your life forever. Legolas knows that these words could change everything, and elves definitely do not use them lightly. But there was something about Aragorn....something that made Legolas want to rip out his heart and give it to him. Something scary and pure, something very different from what he had felt when he thought he loved Tauriel. And when he should be resting, there sat Legolas against a tree, pondering about Aragorn and his feelings.

It was late into the night when Aragorn walked over and sat on the ground next to Legolas, wrapping an arm around him. "What are you thinking about?" He asked softly. Legolas leaned into the embrace and took a deep breath. "You," he replied with a small smile. "Oh, really? All good things I hope," whispered Aragorn as he pressed a kiss against the top of Legolas's head. Legolas nodded and pulled away, looking Aragorn directly in the eyes as he spoke.

"I love you"

At the sound of those words, it was like Aragorn suddenly forgot how to function. He could feel his heart beating wildly as he took a shaky breath. "I love you too, Legolas," he said softly. This revelation stunned and terrified him. He truly had never felt this way about anyone before, and he knew Legolas didn't just throw those words around lightly.

Legolas smiled and leaned in, capturing Aragorn's lips in a kiss.

If there was one thing in the world that Aragorn could be sure of, it's that Legolas loves him, and he loves Legolas.
A/N: Aw, this (short) chapter has me all in the feels. They're so perfect for each other. Anyway, I was thinking about possibly creating a playlist at the end of this story of songs that remind me of Aralas. Would any of you like that? Please message me, I would love to hear your thoughts

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