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(During & after the council of Rivendell - with a short time skip)

"You have my sword." Legolas watched with wide eyes as his love pledged himself to this deadly quest. Without a second thought, the elf quickly leapt up from his chair. "And my bow!" Aragorn's eyes snapped over to him, and Legolas could see the silent panic building behind his gaze.

Elrond was soon talking again about how the quest would be a very dangerous path, but the ranger had long since tuned him out. Carefully making his way over so he was standing by the elf, Aragorn spoke quietly under his breath. "Legolas, you can't do this. It's too dangerous, meleth nin." The elf shook his head, turning to meet Aragorn's gaze for a second before turning back to focus on the council. "I'm going Aragorn, this is not your decision." For the rest of the time until the council was dismissed, Legolas could feel Aragorn's gaze boring into him.

As soon as Elrond dismissed everyone in the late evening, Aragorn turned and left, stalking towards his chambers as Legolas followed him silently. Aragorn opened the door and stood, waiting for Legolas to enter. The elf walked in and Aragorn closed the door behind him, turning to face him with a glare. "Why would you do that? You're going to die!" Aragorn was practically yelling, and Legolas gazed back at him evenly. "I am more than willing to die, as long as I am with you," the elf replied softly.

"Please, don't do this. I can't lose you too."

Legolas felt his heart drop at the sudden change in the ranger. The way Aragorn's voice cracked and the tears now shimmering in his eyes showed that Legolas was truly all he had left after losing everything. Legolas swallowed and approached the ranger, pressing their foreheads together. "I'm doing this for us. I can't lose you either," the elf whispered, closing his eyes and listening to the ranger's ragged, uneven breaths.

They stood there for quite a long time, tears making their way down the ranger's face as he struggled to control his emotions. "Please," he finally mumbled as he desperately tried one last time to convince the elf, "I love you." Legolas reached up, gently wiping away Aragorn's tears. "I love you too, more than anything. But there is no telling how this ends, so I am spending every possible moment I can with you," Legolas replied, pulling the ranger into his embrace.

The elf held Aragorn tightly, leading him over to the bed and silently praying to the Valar that everything would be okay. He knew that the ranger was angry and upset with him, but that was a small price to pay for being able to protect him. At least this way Legolas wouldn't be helpless, stuck wondering whether Aragorn would return to him or when he would get word that the unthinkable had happened.

Aragorn's tears slowly subsided, and he soon drifted off into sleep, much to the elf's relief. Legolas sighed, looking down at the sleeping man in his arms. He knew that they would probably have another discussion/argument about this before they left in a month, but for now that could wait. Legolas pressed a kiss against the rangers head and closed his eyes.

-the day they are set to leave Rivendell-

Legolas opened his eyes to the sound of the birds chirping and the sight of the sun lazily drifting in through the window. He sat up and blinked himself awake, his eyes confirming his previous thought that Aragorn was no longer in the room. It soon became apparent to the elf that Aragorn hadn't been in the room for awhile, his things were already packed and missing for the long journey ahead.

Legolas jumped out of bed, racing to get his necessities together and praying that he wasn't too late. Rushing outside, the elf let out a breath of relief. Most of the fellowship had gathered and were standing around talking with Gandalf, but there were still a few missing members, including Aragorn. Legolas approached slowly, making his way towards Elrond.

"Prince Legolas," Elrond greeted him with a warm smile. "Where is Aragorn?" Legolas looked up at Elrond with a frown. Elrond's smile faltered. "He's taking one last walk through the gardens." Legolas turned without a word, but Elrond grabbed his arm. "Legolas. He came to me early this morning to beg me not to allow you on this quest. I told him that was not in my power, but you should go to him. He needs you now, more than ever." Legolas nodded and thanked Elrond, walking quickly towards the gardens.

It didn't take long for him to find the ranger, the elf knew that he probably wanted to visit his mother's memorial one last time before leaving. Sure enough, his suspicions were correct, and Legolas quietly approached the man, quietly dropping to his knees beside him.

"I don't want you to go," Aragorn wasted no time in getting straight to the point. Legolas sighed. "Aragorn, look at me," the elf said softly, reaching over and gently tipping the ranger's face towards his. Cupping his face in both hands and staring straight into his eyes, Legolas spoke again. "I am going with, and you cannot change my mind. I know it's going to be a dangerous and possibly deadly road, but I'm not ever going to leave your side, okay?" Aragorn opened his mouth to argue, but Legolas held a finger up to his lips.

"I couldn't live with myself if you died and I wasn't by your side, Aragorn. Please, I need to be at your side." Aragorn's eyes searched the elf's, and the ranger finally gave a reluctant nod. Without another word, he stood and pulled Legolas to his feet. The elf followed slowly behind Aragorn out of the gardens to join the rest of the company.

Legolas knew that Aragorn was still upset with him and probably would be for awhile as long as the elf was continually in danger. But like a wise man once said, "If this is to end in fire, then we shall all burn together."


Elvish Translations (Sindarian):
Meleth nin - my love

Quote: from The Hobbit Desolation of Smaug, said by Thorin Oakenshield (also mentioned in I See Fire by Ed Sheeran)

A/N: I've been doing ones with a lot of time skips lately, sorry about that. Anyway, we love us some protective boyfriends. :)

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