Calm Before The Storm

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(Takes place in Rivendell, the night before the council)

Legolas rode into Rivendell, and quickly dismounted his horse with a sigh of relief. He nodded in thanks towards the elf who came forward to take his horse, and strode towards the last homely house. The prince was there to represent Mirkwood in the council of Elrond taking place tomorrow, at his father's request. However, Legolas also had some motives of his own, especially since he hadn't seen the one he loved in many months.

Legolas was greeted at the door by Elrond himself. "Welcome back to Imladris, prince Legolas, we are glad to have you here." Legolas returned Elrond's half bow with a small smile. "I am glad to be back, it's been too long," the prince replied. Elrond smiled, walking with Legolas into the main hall. "Aragorn is in his quarters, as I'm sure you're wondering." Legolas laughed and thanked Elrond, trying to hide the blush creeping up his cheeks. Elrond departed without another word, and Legolas found himself wandering the beautiful halls that led the way to the ranger's room.

Aragorn was in the middle of reading a book when a knock at his door startled him. The ranger quickly stood, crossing the room and opening the door as his eyes widened in surprise. There stood Legolas with a smile on his face. "Legolas? I've missed you so much," Aragorn breathed, stepping forward and wrapping his arms tightly around the elf. Legolas chuckled and returned the embrace. "Not as much as I've missed you, my love," he replied softly, "Now tell me all about what's happened since I've last seen you." Aragorn pulled back with a reluctant sigh, and grabbed the elf's hand, leading him to a couch in front of the fire.

Aragorn told his tale as quickly as he could while Legolas sat next to him and listened intently. The elf's eyes widened in surprise when he got to the part about WeatherTop. "You fought the wraiths alone? You're not hurt are you?" Legolas's voice rang with concern as the elf reached out, running his hands across the man's torso and feeling for injuries. "I'm fine Legolas, I promise," the ranger murmured with a soft smile, pulling the elf against his side. "Well then, I'm afraid I have some bad news to share with you," Legolas sighed as Aragorn now watched him curiously, waiting for him to speak. "Gollum has escaped our prison, and we are not sure where he has gone." Aragorn froze in Legolas's embrace, and the elf gave him a reassuring squeeze. "Things do not seem to be going in our favor, and I fear it will only get worse after tomorrow," the ranger finally replied with a large sigh.

"Then let us have one last night of peace, the calm before the storm," Legolas said softly, shifting to lay on the couch and pulling Aragorn closer so his head rested against the elf's chest. The ranger hummed in agreement and relaxed against him, eventually drifting off into the best sleep he had had in months and would not have again for a long time.

Imladris = Rivendell

A/N: Just some more fluff for you guys. I'd like to say thank you for all of the stars and comments so far, I really appreciate it. :)

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