Yellow, Like Your Hair

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(Young Estel & Legolas with a few time skips)
(Credit to @leeeeeeeeeegooooooooolaaaaaaaaas on tumblr for the idea)

Estel was only 7 at the time, so it makes sense that he would believe anything his "big brothers" would tell him. Elrohir and Elladan knew this, and decided that it would be the perfect time to play a prank on the young mortal and some of their visiting guests.

"Estel!" At the sound of his name, the young child ran through the garden towards his foster brothers, who were watching him from the porch. "Yes?" Estel stood expectantly glancing from one of the brothers to the other. "You know that we are having visitors soon, elves of a kind that you have not seen before," Elrohir responded, looking in the child's eyes. Estel nodded.

"Well, we thought that since you're getting older it would be best for you to learn how to choose your wife," continued Elladan seriously as Elrohir snickered behind his hand. Estel's eyes widened. "But I thought that I had to wait until-" "No, it's best to choose when you're young," replied Elrohir. "There will be many elves among the company of Mirkwood, so you should have no problem finding one you like," Elladan chimed in. Estel nodded, meeting his brothers gazes. "What do I have to do?"

The twins shared a secret grin and instructed their foster brother on how to present a flower to the one that he chooses. "It also helps if it matches their hair color, but that's not necessary," Elladan explained as Elrohir nodded in agreement. Estel listened to their words intently, believing every single lie that the brothers came up with. He then spent the rest of the evening looking at possible flowers he could give to his future "wife".

The elves of Mirkwood arrived the next day, and Estel found himself being drawn to a young, blonde haired elf. Shortly after being introduced to Legolas and the others, Estel excused himself and ran towards the garden. Rushing around, desperately trying to find the perfect flower, a dandelion suddenly caught his gaze. Young Estel grinned, quickly picking the flower and running back towards the voices spilling from the open door in the council room.

"Yellow, like your hair!" Estel's excited voice rang through the hall as he ran in and proudly held the flower up to Legolas's face, informing everyone that that was who he wanted to marry. The elf looked down in surprise and confusion at the tiny child's excitement, and slowly took the flower from his hand. Thranduil raised his eyebrows at an embarrassed Elrond as he quickly ushered the child from the room, shooting a glare at his sons snickering at the other end of the table.

-Right After Aragorn Leaves Rivendell-

The next time Legolas saw him, he was a child no more. Estel had come to Mirkwood for a brief period of time on his way to meet up with the rangers of the North. He was shown to his guest quarters, and began examining the room with interest. Mirkwood elves were every different from those in Rivendell, but a knock at the door stopped his thoughts from wandering further. "Come in," Aragorn called. Legolas entered with a smile on his face. "Estel, it's been too long."

Aragorn laughed, happy to see his dear childhood friend again. After awhile of catching up, it was clear to the elf that the man was hiding something. "Something troubles you, Estel. What is wrong?" Aragorn sighed and finally broke down, telling him everything as the elf listened intently. "Whatever happens, Aragorn, I'll always be here for you," Legolas said, calling him by his proper name once the ranger was done speaking. A small smile edged its way onto Aragorn's face despite his efforts to conceal it. "Thank you Legolas, you're the only one I can truly trust right now."

They became quite the pair during Aragorn's stay, and Legolas found himself falling for the man. He often thought of that silly little promise Aragorn had made him, and wondered if he still remembered or intended to keep it. Unfortunately, Aragorn's destiny could not be ignored, and he had to go off and explore the world on his own.

-When Aragorn brings Gollum to Mirkwood-

Aragorn was given the task of finding the creature known as Gollum and bringing him to Mirkwood for safekeeping. It was a long, hard task for the ranger, but upon reaching Mirkwood's gates, he felt nothing but relief. At least, until he was denied his request to see Legolas.

What the ranger didn't know however, is that Legolas had been keeping tabs on him and his adventures. The elf had kept his distance, especially after hearing about Aragorn's relationship with another elf. Legolas was secretly heartbroken, so when Aragorn appeared in Mirkwood with Gollum in tow, he disappeared to his chambers and didn't come out until the ranger had left.

Leaving Mirkwood with a heavy heart and a jewel still shimmering around his neck, Aragorn thinks he finally understands. Both Legolas and Aragorn may be unhappy right now, but fate has a weird way of making things work.....

-Day Before The Council Of Elrond-

Legolas was both excited and nervous at the same time. He hadn't seen Aragorn in years, and it had been hard on him. The elf could only hope it had been just as hard on the ranger......despite what had happened the last time Aragorn had visited his home. Legolas shook his thoughts/worries away as he strolled through the garden, taking some time to admire the flowers and work up some courage before searching for Aragorn. His plan was foiled as a soft voice spoke from somewhere behind him. "Legolas."

Legolas turned, his ocean blue eyes meeting sea gray ones just a few feet away. "I was wondering when you would come find me," Legolas's voice was quiet and even as he took in the man's appearance. Aragorn was definitely older and stronger, but his eyes still shone as bright as the stars. The ranger approached the elf slowly, one hand behind his back. "We have a lot to talk about, Legolas, but that's not why I'm here." The elf frowned, waiting for the man to continue.

"I'm here to keep my promise." Legolas now looked confused, as Aragorn walked closer still hiding something behind his back. "Aragorn, what do you mean? What are you-" The ranger knelt in front of the elf with a smile and held up a dandelion. "Yellow, like your hair," Aragorn murmured softly, reaching up and placing the flower behind Legolas's ear. The elf let out a surprised laugh and leaned down, pressing his lips against the ranger's to seal the promise.

Dandelions have long since become Legolas's favorite flower, and he made sure to wear a crown of them on his & Aragorn's wedding day.


A/N: This was so adorable and one of my favorite chapters so far. Thank you for reading, this one was really fun to write. :)

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