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(This takes place right after Aragorn's coronation & Legolas sings the coronation song instead of Aragorn)

It was a time for celebration. Gondor finally had a king again, something that hadn't happened in ages. A huge feast had been ordered, and there was plenty of joy and merriment to spare.

Legolas watched Aragorn move through the crowd with ease, talking with anyone who walked up to congratulate him. Finally, Aragorn made his way through the crowd and walked over to Legolas and Gimli with a smile on his face. "Well, friends and my beloved, here we are at last," he said as his eyes wandered, taking in everything around him. Legolas blushed slightly at the name, but was secretly thrilled that Aragorn was finally getting a chance to be happy and at peace.

Besides drinking and eating, there was a great deal of singing and dancing as well. The people of Gondor really knew how to celebrate when it came down to it, and to his own surprise, Aragorn was actually enjoying himself. That is, until a certain elf had other ideas-

"May I have this dance?" Legolas stood in front of Aragorn, with his hand outstretched and a smile on his face. "No, I don't dance, Legolas," insisted Aragorn as Legolas grabbed his hand and pulled him out into the dance floor anyway. "Just follow my lead then, my king," Legolas said as he bowed. Aragorn sighed and bowed in return as a slow song began. Legolas pulled Aragorn close, swaying in to the time and rhythm of the music, and smiling from ear to ear. (Think waltz from Beauty & the Beast) The rest of the world seemed to fall away as Legolas and Aragorn seemed to became one, their eyes mirroring each other, filled with nothing but love and admiration.

The song finished, and the crowd around them began to cheer. Aragorn smiled, his eyes never leaving Legolas as the elf blushed. They both bowed to the crowd and hurried away, back to the table near the back of the room where Gimli and the hobbits were. "So when's the wedding?" Gimli grinned and took a sip of his ale as the hobbits laughed. Legolas shot him a glare, but couldn't keep the smile off of his face. Aragorn rolled his eyes, giving Legolas's hand a squeeze before walking over to speak with Gandalf. They were in the middle of a conversation when Aragorn felt arms wrap around his waist, hugging him from behind. "I'll be right back," Legolas murmured in the king's ear, before wandering over to the back door and slipping into the night. Aragorn turned, watching him leave, before excusing himself and slipping out the door as well, curiously following his elf.

Legolas hummed softly and sang to himself as he walked about the courtyard. He had just needed a break from all of the chaos inside, and came out for a small breath of fresh air. Little did he know that Aragorn had followed him, and had stood hidden behind a tree when he heard Legolas singing. Aragorn had to stifle a gasp when he heard the words, for he quickly realized that the song had been for him. In fact, what Aragorn didn't know, was that Legolas had planned to surprise him with it later on in the night.

Et Earello
Endorenna utulien
Sinome maruvan
ar Hildinyar
tenn' Ambar-metta

"That's beautiful, Legolas." Aragorn stepped out from behind his tree and approached the elf. Legolas turned quickly at the sound of the voice and blushed. "I-I didn't realize you were listening, shouldn't you be inside celebrating with the others?" Legolas sat on the edge of the fountain and Aragorn took a seat next to him. "I've never really liked it when all of the attention is on me, and besides I can't find a voice like that in there," Aragorn murmured with a small smile, laying his head on Legolas's shoulder. "Well, what if we go have our own little celebration instead?" Legolas said wiggling his eyebrows playfully as a large grin spread over his face. Aragorn lifted his head and looked at Legolas in surprise. When he saw that Legolas was serious, he jumped up and grabbed Legolas's hand pulling him up so he was standing behind him. "Come on, I know the perfect place," Aragorn grinned.

Even though the party continued to rage on without them, Aragorn and Legolas still considered this to be a perfect night. After all, with Aragorn as king, many other celebrations were sure to come in the future. The time for peace and love among the kinds of Middle-Earth had come at long last.

Coronation Song - Out of the Great Sea to Middle-Earth I am come. In this place I will abide, and my heirs, unto the ending of the world.

A/N: Fun fact, all of my farm animals on Hay Day are now named after LOTR characters.....I think I have issues. But this chapter is just a fun one because Aragorn comes out of his shell a bit. Also, if you haven't heard Viggo sing the coronation song, I 10/10 recommend it. Stay tuned for more adorable moments like these :)

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