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(Movie: Before the battle at the gate, when Aragorn has small braids in his hair - Book: After Aragorn speaks with all of the captains in the morning after the battle for Gondor)

Legolas watched from the corner of the tent as Aragorn paced in front of him. Aragorn was speaking calmly about the plans for the upcoming battles, but Legolas could tell that he was nervous. After a few more minutes of his worried pacing, Legolas stepped in front of him, gently wrapping his hands around Aragorn's. "Aragorn, it's going to be okay," Legolas said softly. The ranger sighed and leaned his forehead against Legolas's. "I just don't want to let anyone down," he replied as he took a deep breath and closed his eyes. "You won't, Aragorn, you are not your ancestors," Legolas said as he pulled back to look into the man's eyes. Aragorn opened his mouth to argue, but was cut off by Legolas reaching over and gently tucking a piece of his hair behind his ear.

"You should do something about this, how can you see to fight with your hair like that?" Aragorn tilted his head and looked at Legolas in confusion. "It's never really bothered me before, and it's too short to do much about it," replied Aragorn still looking at Legolas quizzically. "Why, is there something wrong with it?" Legolas grinned and pulled away, walking back over to the chair in the corner that he was sitting in earlier.

"Come here, I'm going to braid your hair," Legolas patted the ground in front of him and smiled. Aragorn looked doubtful, but walked over and did as Legolas bade him. After he was seated with his back leaning against Legolas's legs, Legolas began to run his fingers through the ranger's hair, trying to untangle the knots as gently as he could. "Ouch," muttered Aragorn under his breath as Legolas accidentally yanked a piece of his hair. "Sorry," muttered Legolas as he concentrated on the task at hand.

Legolas braided quickly, his hands moving skillfully through Aragorn's hair as the ranger relaxed against him. "I, uh, I have some beads I could add if you want," Legolas spoke quietly, not wanting to overstep his boundaries. It was practically unheard of for a man to have elvish beads in his hair. "Yes, I'd love to have something to remind me of you on the battlefields," Aragorn murmured, leaning his head closer to make it easier for Legolas. Legolas bit back a smile and nodded as he pulled the beads out of his pocket. He quickly weaved the small silver beads into the braids, and then pulled away to admire his work.

Aragorn looked stunning. So stunning that Legolas's mouth opened and closed several times while his brain tried to come up with words to describe it. "That bad, huh?" Aragorn turned and smiled at him while reaching a hand behind his head to gingerly feel the braids. "The beads highlight your eyes quite nicely," Legolas finally managed. Aragorn blinked, not really sure to respond to that. But thankfully he didn't have to because Legolas smiled and leaned forward, capturing his lips in a kiss.

Aragorn sighed as they broke apart and laid his head in Legolas's lap. "Almost time to leave," he mumbled. Legolas nodded as he gently ran his fingers through the parts of Aragorn's hair that weren't braided. Aragorn reluctantly pulled away and stood, grabbing Legolas's hand and helping him to his feet. "Thank you for braiding my hair, it does feel better," Aragorn whispered looking into Legolas's eyes. "Anytime, my love," Legolas replied, giving Aragorn's hand a squeeze. Aragorn then took a deep breath before turning to exit the tent with Legolas following right behind.

And if the others noticed the way Aragorn's hair seemed to sparkle in the sunlight like a certain elven prince's, well they didn't say anything. For they were glad that even with war all around them, their soon-to-be-king had finally found his peace.

A/N: God, these two are so adorable together! They make me very happy, and I hope that comes across as you continue to read. Feel free to leave a comment, and thanks for reading this chapter.

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