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Wayuri's POV

I woke up on the floor as usual. Just another day at the orphanage. Great. I dressed up into my only other set of clothes, a hoodie and a pair of sweatpants that I was required to make on my own.

I left my shared room to fall in line and get breakfast, when the speakers announced something I was not expecting.

Motoyami Wayuri, please go to the lobby.

Motoyami Wayuri, please go to the lobby.

Instead of walking to get breakfast, I was going to get placed into another foster home. Just great.

I walked to the lobby, trying to ignore my hunger along the way. It's just a couple of months if I'm lucky right? But I'll probably be there until I finish high school at most.

When I made it there, I saw the headmistress waiting.

"Hello Motoyami-san, I take it you already know?" She asked.

"Ah, yes I do. Can I excuse myself to gather my belongings?" I questioned.

She gave her consent as I left to go to the shared room I was staying in. I hope it'll be better than the bullying I got here.

I quickly picked up all of my things and put them inside a black backpack. I then pulled up my raven black hair into a ponytail, making sure all the hairs of my bangs were out. I used a piece of string I found from the floor to tie my hair up, since no one here provided actual hair ties.

I left my room and boarded onto a small van. I was informed that the trip would take about an hour, so I made myself comfortable. Here we go again.

Wakatoshi's POV

It was a the last Sunday before school would start again. I was quietly reading a book of volleyball plays when kaa-san (mom in Japanese) bursted into my room.

"Wakatoshi-san, we're going to host an orphan," she mentioned.

"W-we are?" I asked.

"Yes, there's too many kids in the orphanage so I decided to help out until the crowding problem is solved. She's the same year as you, so I expect you to help her out with her academics. I'm getting everything settled as of right now. She's coming in a few hours, so freshen up a bit, okay?"

I nodded while giving a small sigh as she closed the door. I guess it'll be okay to have some more company, right?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I heard a car pull up in my driveway.

I walked to the nearest window to get a better view. I saw a driver exit the door and then a girl. She had jet-black hair that was tied into a high ponytail, but her bangs weren't tied and were framing her face. The material of the hair band wasn't what the girls had normally used, or what Tendou called scrunchies.

She had dark blue eyes and pale skin. She's pretty. I saw kaa-san greet her, and she was a bit taller. Considering that kaa-san was already average height, the girl's a bit tall. Her build seemed like she could be good at sports. She could play volleyball.

Kaa-san and her had already been properly introduced to each other, but I wasn't. As I saw them walking closer to the door, I opened it for them.

Wayuri's POV

I exited the van and saw a woman with olive toned skin and hazel eyes. She must be the one who wants me here.

"Hello, I'm Motoyami Wayuri, nice to meet you." I bowed to her.

"Oh, no need to bow Wayuri-san, I'm Ushijima Aiyoko. Nice to meet you too. I have a son named Wakatoshi who'll help you while you're adjusting to our home." First name basis already, I guess I'll be here a while.

She gestured a hand to the door, in which I followed her as she started walking.

I entered the household by a boy holding a door for me. He must be the son of the mom who wanted me here. I'll be another maid, I suspect. Well, I guess I'll start things off nicely before I try to distance myself, as usual.

"Hello Wakatoshi-san, correct?" I looked at him as he nodded. "I'm Motoyami Wayuri, nice to meet you." I then turned to face his mom.

"Is there a place I can put my belongings at before I can start helping?" I asked her.

She looked at me. "What are you talking about Wayuri-san? There is no need for you to help me, I've already got everything covered. You can set your things at Wakatoshi's room. Since I don't have anywhere for you to sleep, you can sleep in his bed." She cut her eye contact with me to face her son.

"Wakatoshi, can you guide her to your room?" she asked.

"Of course," he sighed quietly.

He started walking toward his room, in which I followed. As we entered, I observed. It was cleaner than any other room I've been in so far. At least I won't have to clean up this room. The bed was pushed against a corner and a big desk was on the opposite side. I saw volleyball trophies and medals on his shelves. I guess he plays.

He pointed to where I should set my things. I placed my small backpack on the floor and looked at him.

"So Wayuri-san, is this new to you?" Wakatoshi asked.

Trying to make small talk, I guess. "No," I blatantly stated.

He nodded and left his room. Do I follow him or...? I made up my mind and decided to follow him. He headed to the couch and took a seat once he got there. I stayed standing where I was. I'm not going to get hit for doing something without permission, not again.

"Hey," he stated. "You can sit if you want," he patted the left part of the couch with his hand.

I sat down next to him as he turned on the tv. "Do you watch volleyball?" he asked.

I nodded and he changed the channel to a volleyball game. It was a high school game between Shiratorizawa and Aoba Josai. The semifinals from last year probably. I heard Shiratorizawa had a really good player named- wait. The ace's name was Ushijima Wakatoshi. Am I sitting next to one of the top three aces in Japan?

Wakatoshi's POV

I was watching a game of my own team against Aoba Josai. I really didn't want to watch it, but it was the only game on tv. Great, she must think I'm self obsessed.

We watched the game until the match finished. After that game, the game of the finals was showcased. We watched that for a bit until I started getting hungry.

"Wayuri-san, Ushijima, time for dinner," kaa-san called out. Me and Motoyami-san got up from the couch as I guided her to the dinner table.

The three of us sat down at the dinner table and started picking out our food. What has Motoyami-san been through?

I'll find out soon enough, and grinned at the thought.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Heyoo!! I'm Cammie, the author, and thank you SO much for reading this chapter. As you can tell, this is the first chapter, so I hope you enjoyed reading and stick with it!! I swear it gets better throughout the story.

Stay safe and good day!

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