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Just to clear up a few complications:

- Shiro is Hiyoto Michiyo's brother

- Orochi is Shiro's friend

Okay that's it, let's start the story ~

Author's POV

When Reon and Wayuri were talking about Ushijima, Hiyoto was eavesdropping on their conversation. She was making a banner for Wakatoshi and decided to listen in.

So Motoyami isn't related to Wakatoshi-chan? she thought with a sly smirk.

Then how do they know each other?

Hiyoto saw Wayuri running back to the cafeteria, so she continued working on her project. I hope the faker doesn't notice me, she thought with a sly smirk.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

When she finished making her banner, she called her older brother who was at a nearby college. The phone was answered on the second ring and she put her phone on speaker since she still had to clean her space.

What do you want, Michi-chan? I'm on my lunch break right now, the speaker announced.

I need you to do something for me, bring a couple of friends while you're at it, she replied.

Why would I do that? the speaker announced again.

I watched the kittens while you were at basketball practice, remember? Michiyo recalled.

Gahh, fine. What do you want me to do?

After school, I need you to harass a girl. Her name is Motoyami Wayuri.

How would I know her? the speaker asked.

She's always with Wakatoshi-chan, Michiyo replied.

Do you have anything against her?

Lets just say, Hiyoto stopped for a second. I want you and my other senpai to show her true colors.

Yeah, whatever, the speaker responded annoyingly. He then ended the call, thankful that his conversation with her was over.

... but Hiyoto didn't know that someone heard their conversation.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

When the bell rang, Wayuri informed Wakatoshi that she was going to go to her club and he nodded in response.

She assumed that Riku would want to talk with Eita after class, so she walked by herself.

Suddenly, there was a loud pang that came from behind her. Only, it was when she fell on the floor, she realized it came from her.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Wayuri was hit in the back of the head by a college student with a base ball bat. However, the attacker had an accomplice, a friend. He quickly duck taped her mouth and put a bag over her head.

"What the hell Shiro," he called. "Why'd you drag me into this? Michiyo's your sister, you should've done this by yourself. It looks like we're going to kidnap her."

"Shut up Orochi," Hiyoto's brother, Shiro, countered. "Don't you think I know that too?"

"Whatever, let's just get this over with."

"Do you have the things?" Shiro asked. Orochi nodded and opened the zipper of his backpack. It revealed a pair of plastic handcuffs, a few rolls of duct tape, and rope.

Shiro nodded in approval and slung the girl onto his shoulders. The two started walking to a horse stable.

After they made it to one of the empty stalls, they put either of Wayuri's wrists through the fence of the stall. Once they were fully in, Orochi handcuffed Wayuri to make sure she wouldn't escape.

When Orochi gave the okay sign, Shiro filled up a bucket with water. He took the bag and duct tape off of Wayuri and dumped the liquid onto her. Her eyes immediately darted open from the coolness and shock.

"Where am I, you disgusting ruffians?" Wayuri shouted. She was shaking from the cold, but nonetheless she acted the same.

Shiro twirled with Wayuri's hair. "Why would I tell you that, princess."

"You're somewhere hidden," Orochi added with a wink.

Wayuri moved her wrists, which were attached to handcuffs. However, she noticed a flaw in them. "Damn guys, did you really think this was the first assault I've been through?"

She ripped the chains of her handcuffs, noticing how they were fake. There was a small pain on her wrists from the pressure, but she ignored them. She gave a small touch on Shiro's hand which made him shiver.

Wayuri noticed he was distracted and managed to pull him closer. "I know every rule in the playbook." She took Shiro's arm and flipped him over her back. The impact was too strong for him to handle and he passed out on the floor.

Orochi looked at his partner in crime with anger, surprised that a girl made a college student vulnerable. "I'm wondering if you can defeat a guy who was a black belt in Martial Arts," he mentioned with a small, arrogant smirk.

He punched Wayuri on the side of her lip, making her taste the iron in her blood. "What. A. Surprise." She felt the impact from inside her mouth with her tongue, trying to check if any of her teeth fell. Once she made sure none of her teeth were missing, she put her attention back on Orochi. The punch was powerful, so she was surprised it only caused little damage.

She punched Orochi in the same spot he hit her, only with the force that came from her anger and irritation. It made one of his canine teeth fall out, and he held it out pitifully.

"What have you done?" he asked with tears in his eyes.

"Only what you did to me." Wayuri stopped for a second, trying to create suspense for her attacker. "...but worse." She gave a small smile, which annoyed the boy even more.

"What an ass," now Shiro was the one who stopped talking. "It's such a shame, you were pretty too."

His comment pissed off Wayuri. She closed her left fist and with all of her force, she punched him in the stomach. Shiro couldn't handle the pressure and the wind vanished from his lungs. He passed out from the lack of air and Wayuri got worried for a moment.

Did I kill him, she asked herself worriedly. She put a finger on his neck to check for a pulse. Fortunately, it was still beating.

"Yuri," someone called out.

Wayuri looked up and found a tall figure. "Toshi-chan."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


I spent 3 days on this chapter and I still don't like how it turned out. Even though I edited this multiple times, this is the best it's gonna get (I'll do better next time, I swear).

And, I know. This chapter is a bit shorter than normal, isn't it? Fight scenes are difficult for me to make, so to think that I actually managed to create one amazes me. 

Thank you all for dealing with my momentary break, it means a lot to me

Stay safe out there ~

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