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Wayuri's POV

"So Wayuri," Ushijima-san started. "Have you been to any other foster homes before?"

"Yes," I stated. It's best to keep my replies as short as possible.

"How many?" Wakatoshi intervened. I guess he's curious.

"37, counting this one," I answered. The both of them looked shocked at my answer.

"Well, were they nice?" Ushijima-san asked.

"Well," I was questioning whether or not I should tell the truth, but this is probably going to be my last foster home so might as well. "No not really," I mentioned before drinking a cup of water.

"How would they treat you then?" she asked again.

"Like a sla-" I caught myself from mentioning it. "I would help with a lot of chores they'd want me to do in their house. And occasionally I would help them earn money by working other jobs."

"Oh, well I can't say I'm not going to give you any chores, but I feel like they'll be easier than what you've dealt with in the past."

"Thank you," I replied. Is she telling the truth?

As soon as the three of us finished eating, I began gathering the plates.

"Wayuri-san, that won't be necessary." Ushijima-san said as she took the dirty dishes from my hands. She looked at my hoodie, which was a bit roughed up. "I take it you don't have any clothes?"

I nod in response. I admit that I haven't had a wardrobe since before my parents were alive. There wouldn't be enough space in my small backpack and I don't need that many clothes anyway.

"Well," she stopped talking for a second. "I believe that my clothes would be a bit small for you, so just ask Wakatoshi for some of his."

Oh shit. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. "Okay," I responded. "Ushijima-san, is there anything else you'd like for me to do?"

"No, I'm fine. You should get some rest though, since you'll start your first day of school tomorrow. And no need to call me Ushijima-san, Aiyoko is fine." She gave a small smile.

"T-tomorrow? Do I have to pay for my uniform? I'm sorry but I don't have any mon-"

I got cut off by Aiyoko-san. "Darling, you don't need to pay for anything. Everything's handled, except for where you're going to sleep of course. Don't worry, just go get some rest for tomorrow."

I nodded a goodbye and walked to Wakatoshi's room. I knocked on the door to make sure I wasn't intruding anything.

"Come in," he answered.

I opened the door only to find Wakatoshi shirtless. He was sitting on a chair leaning on his desk while reading a magazine, and holding a pencil on his left hand. Great, I'll just hope he isn't a pervert like the last one.

"Hey um," I gulped before I continued. "I don't have anything to sleep in so Aiyoko-san said to just borrow some of your clothes for now."

He raised an eyebrow at the request but stood up from his chair and went to his closet to grab some clothing regardless.

He handed me a white t-shirt and black sweatpants. He expects me to fit in these? They're way too big. I nodded a thank you and started walking to the bathroom, but I didn't know where it was.

So I walked back to Wakatoshi's room. "Wakatoshi-san, can you show me where the bathroom is?" I asked while I was at the door.

He nodded and walked me to where it was. I nodded him a thank you and proceeded to enter. I quickly changed into the clothes he handed me and looked into the mirror. The pants are too long and the shirt is too big. Not as big as I thought though, thankfully. Easy fix.

I folded the bottom of the pant legs and tucked the oversized shirt into the sweatpants. I looked in the mirror. Much better.

I left the bathroom while holding my previously worn clothes and went into Wakatoshi's room. Still shirtless and reading a magazine, I see. I began to put my dirty clothes in my bag when Wakatoshi intervened.

"You can put your clothes in the laundry," he said without looking up from his magazine. I gave a slight nod and walked back to the bathroom to put my dirty clothes inside their laundry basket.

School's starting tomorrow, and I just hope that the uniforms aren't revealing.The first day of my last year in high school is tomorrow.

As I entered Wakatoshi's room, I felt a bit intrusive about his space. Where would he sleep? And so, I made a good solution.

"Wakatoshi-san, I can sleep on the floor so you can have the bed," I said.

He looked away from his magazine and made eye contact with me. "No it's fine, I can sleep on the floor."

"No, I insist. It'd be rude for me to have a better place to sleep than you."

"It's fine, I can sleep on the floor."


I got cut off by him. "Just trust me, I'm fine sleeping on the floor."

"Fine," I said. If I get in trouble for his doing I don't even know what kind of punishment I'll get.

I pulled out my sketchbook I stole from the art classroom and a pen I stole from the lobby and got onto the bed. I continued my drawing of the view I saw during the trip here. I didn't know what do put on the drawing next so I was chewing on the pen I was holding.

"What are you drawing?" I got startled by his question and ended up breaking my pen in half.

"Uhm," I looked at the pen. "Just something I saw along the way here."

He looked at the pen I was holding, which was still in my dominant hand. "You're left handed?"

"Yeah, aren't you left handed too?" I asked. Wait, I basically just told him that I was stalking him. Shit.

"Yeah. So, you know then?" He was referring to volleyball... I think.

"Yup," I replied.

"Do you play?" he questioned.

"I used to, anyway. It's getting late, we should sleep."

He nodded in response as I stood up. I returned my sketchbook into my backpack and untied the small piece of string from my hair.

"T-that was a piece of string?" Wakatoshi asked.

"Uh, yeah. What about it?"

"Kaa-san has some hair ties in her room if you want to use that instead." He mentioned before he laid on the floor.

I nodded and laid on the bed. I tried to sleep, but I wasn't able to. I've... never slept on a bed before. I rolled to the edge and sat up to see if Wakatoshi was asleep, but he wasn't either.

"Hey Wakatoshi?" I tried to get his attention.

"Can I sleep on the floor?" I asked again.

"I already said that-"

"If you want to sleep on the floor, then I guess we'll have to sleep together on the floor." I accidentally cut him off.

"I'll see how long you can last," he replied while making space for me to sleep. I pulled a pillow from the bed and laid down beside him.

Today's been a long day.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *


It's only chapter two and I wasn't expecting to write this much dialogue. I hope you enjoyed and, if you did, make sure to vote and comment.

stay safeeeee ~

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