𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲: (as of 05/14/20)

270 6 3

Heyoooo, we have to talk. (ehehehe... I made this sound more serious, didn't I?)

Okay, so I've been suffering MAJOR writer's block lately. I've already created the entire story line for Temptations, so I'd be able to get through the story faster.

But even with my guideline, I can't think properly and it's PISSING ME OFF. It's like, I know what the chapter's going to be about, but for some reason I don't know how to put it into words.

The last chapter I posted was the last before I went into "nothing mode." It's a phrase I've created, meaning that I don't have anymore drafts saved.

I bet you still don't understand what I'm saying... AHEM. Basically, whenever I tend to fall behind on schoolwork, I don't have enough time to make a chapter that's good enough to get published.

Since I want to keep up with my posting schedule, I start on the next couple of chapters ahead of time. That way, if I don't have enough time to make a chapter on the given posting schedule, I still have something to post.

That being said, I've already posted all of the extra chapters I've made and I'm STILL suffering writer's block. It pisses me off SO MUCH that I end up stress eating... and I haven't eaten this much ice cream in AGES.

I'm hoping to recover from this STRUGGLE as soon as possible, so please stick with me. I need a week, AT MOST, to get back on my regular three day posting schedule.

I'm really sorry for the inconvenience, but I'm hoping that you're willing to deal with the temporary break.

I know some writer's that say that when they need a temporary break, they end up never returning to the story. Whenever I read a story on wattpad that hasn't been returned to, it makes me a bit annoyed. The author has made such a brilliant storyline, but then they just abandon it.

I wouldn't want to annoy any of you in the slightest, so this'll only be a short break. I swear I won't abandon my story, so please trust my word. Besides, I love my storyline too much to let it go.

Okay, that's it.

Thank you for reading and stay safe.

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