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Wakatoshi's POV

After the bell rang, Wayuri informed me about going to culinary club as usual. I nodded in response and started walking towards the gym.

When I arrived, I got to the locker room and started changing into my practice clothes.

"Wakatoshi-san!" Eita shouted.

"Yes, Eita?" I responded.

"I think Yami-chan's in trouble."

"What do you mean?" I expressed with a blank face. Truthfully, I was worried about her, but I didn't want to show it.

"Aww, you're worried about her, aren't you?" Eita cooed. I gave him a stern look which made him straighten up.

"I overheard someone -I don't know who- telling someone else to harass Yami-chan," he explained. Instinctively, I started running out of the room and to the coach's office.

Once I made it there, I quickly opened the door and found Washijo-sensei drinking chocolate milk.

"Washijo-sensei, I need to do something urgent." I ran out of the office and started running towards the gym door.

I heard a few girls screaming, but I ignored them since I needed to find Yuri.

"Ushijima, put on a shirt before you go outside," Tendou called.

I stopped in my tracks and looked down at my body. I realized that I was still shirtless and started sprinting back to the locker room, not caring that people could see my abdomen.

When I finished putting on a black shirt, I started sprinting to the gym door. I made it out and started searching for Yuri. I went to the cafeteria and the janitor's closet, but it was no use. I couldn't find her... that was, until I wanted to think like someone else.

Where would harassers bring an innocent girl?

And then, it clicked. The horse stables.

Author's POV

Toshi sprinted faster than he ever could, managing to make it from his classroom to the horse stables in under a minute. He slammed every door open until he found a girl with two college students laying on the ground.

"Yuri," he called out.

"Toshi-chan." Wakatoshi was ecstatic, thankful that she was alive. Wayuri ran to him and gave him a hug, happy that someone was trying to search for her.

After a few seconds, Wakatoshi pulled away from the hug and started to examine her for any cuts or bruises. He saw a bit of blood falling from the side of Wayuri's lip, so he pulled her in close and wiped it away with his thumb.

He thought nothing of this gesture, as if it was almost unconscious. However, Wayuri blushed from the contact. She moved her head to the side, trying her best not to stare at Toshi even more.

"Let's go get someone for this," Wayuri mentioned, trying to get her minds off of these previous events. Wakatoshi nodded and stood up. He held out a hand for Wayuri, only then he noticed-

"What are on your wrists?"

"Umm... handcuffs?" Wayuri replied. Her arms were no longer together, but the metal bands were still attached to either of her wrists.

Wakatoshi looked at the attackers and shook his head disapprovingly. He then took Yuri's wrists and broke the metal pieces apart easily, letting her wrists move freely. She nodded a thanks as they both stood up and started walking towards the office.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

When the duo came back with the vice principal and a couple of other volleyball players, they found the horse stall empty.

"What happened to them?" Wayuri asked Wakatoshi. He gave a small shrug and looked at Eita.

"Are you sure you don't know who called, Eita?" he asked.

"I just overheard the conversation since I left my knee braces in the gym and had to pick it up," Eita replied.

"Well that doesn't help," Wayuri intervened, annoyed at Eita's words.

She was used to these attacks, but she hadn't dealt with this in a while. She was getting used to her current life, she could've even said she enjoyed it. What happened today dropped her back to reality. The world isn't safe for a person like me, so why try to make friends? They're all going to hurt me anyway.

"I'm sorry Eita." She gave him a small bow and stared at the ground for the rest of the investigation.

"Eh...?" he responded. This was considered strange for Eita. He had never seen Wayuri apologize, so to see her apologizing over a snarky comment was peculiar to him.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Wayuri and Wakatoshi made it home a bit earlier than usual. After Wayuri's incident, all of the club's advisors agreed to cancel after school clubs for the rest of the day.

They were greeted by Aiyoko, who came straight home after she heard what happened to Wayuri. To Aiyoko, she viewed Wayuri as one of her own. She was the mother of 2 kids, not one. She loved Wayuri and her influence on Wakatoshi.

Wakatoshi wasn't a talker, per se, but he loved talking to Wayuri. And to Aiyoko, she was happy that she could see his smiles, it wasn't something he did regularly.

"What the hell happened, Wayuri?" Aiyoko screeched, in shock that there was a cut on her lip.

"I had another run-in," she replied, trying her best to give a blunt statement. Wakatoshi noticed her sudden change of behavior, but didn't want to act upon it.

Wayuri didn't look like she was in the mood to talk, so Wakatoshi did the explaining.

Aiyoko faced the girl after Wakatoshi finished. "So, are you okay now?"

Wayuri nodded in response and excused herself from the small group of people.

She went into Wakatoshi's room and grabbed her materials for drawing. She sat down on the floor and began drawing something simple, an eye. As time progressed, she finished the detailed outline of her eye.

However, she added something unique to it, a hand. But it wasn't just a random hand, it gripped the pupil of the eye. She wanted to represent something in her.

Wayuri never showed it, but she couldn't put up with this much longer. The fights, Hiyoto, everything. Every time she dealt with this, it felt like someone was taking a piece of her. It wasn't a big piece, but it was important. And every time someone took another piece, a bigger piece of her went missing.

She couldn't remember the last time she felt this, though. Wayuri felt a hand under her chin and her head was forced to look up. She faced Wakatoshi, who was genuinely worried about her well-being.

"You'll get through this," he said. It was a little piece of advice, but he would never say this to her if he didn't mean it. He believed that she would, no matter what.

This action made a tear drop from her eye. It landed on her paper, directly in the pupil. Wakatoshi didn't know what to do, so he did the first thing that came into mind and gave her a hug.

The small gesture comforted her and she began to smile. Her barriers disappeared and she was herself again.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


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