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Wayuri's POV

It was already June and how I felt about Toshi-chan started getting complicated. It kept getting worse with every small smile he gave me, or any little joke he'd add in from time to time. It started affecting my academic scores, so I asked one of my trusted volleyball friends to help me.

"Reon-kun, can you help me with something?" I asked him during one of the only lunch breaks where they didn't have practice.

"Sure," he replied. I immediately grabbed his wrist and started guiding him to the volleyball gym, hiding behind the bleachers. I didn't want anyone to hear my conversation with him.

When we made it to the bleachers, I started biting my lip. "I need to know how I feel about someone because it's gotten too complicated for me."

"And is this person Ushijima-san?" he asked with a smirk on his face.

"That doesn't matter," I responded while trying to hide my embarrassment.

"Whatever." He playfully rolled his eyes and pulled his attention back to me. "So, what do you feel when you're around Ushijima-san?"

"Are you stupid?" I slapped his shoulder with a bit of force and he started rubbing away the pain with his hand. "I don't know how I feel about him."

"Yami-chan, I can't help you if you're not telling me anything." Reon started walking away, but I had to do something to stop him.

"Wait!" I shouted, which got his attention. He started walking back to me and seemed like he was interested in what I would say.

"I'll try to describe it as best I can: Whenever he smiles at me, I feel like I can do anything. When he jokes around, I can't help but smile, even if I try my best not to. I can see when he starts acting a bit angry when he screws up during volleyball, and I can't help but feel sorry for him. When he laughs, I can tell that it's genuine. He never shows more emotion than needed, but when he does it makes me happy that I'm the cause of it," I explained.

I saw Reon with a strange face. "It's a miracle he even shows those types of emotions to you. He rarely shows it to the team," he murmured. Or at least, that's what I heard.

"What'd you say?" I asked, trying to get confirmation with what he said.

Reon shook his head. "Ah, it's nothing." He stopped speaking for a bit, which worried me. "You like him Yami-chan, it's clear that you do. I don't get how you never noticed this, because you needed me to say it to you."

Was this true? No, it couldn't be. "That's impossible Reon. I would never like him, we're just fake cousins, at most."

"Well, from what you told me, that's what you're feeling," Reon replied with a small chuckle.

"Yeah, whatever." I started running back to the cafeteria, trying to look for another trusted friend. I need someone else's advice.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I found Riku sitting with Eita, as usual. Before I could call her name, I saw him kiss her. Wow, way to make your move Eita, I thought. This is a good time to embarrass them, isn't it?

"Eita-kun, I need to borrow Riku for a bit." Both of them broke their kiss and stared at me with a red face. But there was fire in both of their eyes. Riku excused herself from Eita while winking, and then walked over to me.

"What is it Yami-chan? I was having a moment there," she said with irritation.

"I see Eita finally made a move. Okay, can you help me answer how I feel about someone?" I asked.

"Sure, how do you feel about this 'someone?'" she asked with an expressive face that said I wanna meet your boyfriend.

"It's not like that-"

"Yet," Riku cut into my sentence. I slapped her shoulder playfully before continuing.

"I asked someone else about this and they said that I liked him, but I don't believe them."

"Are you stupid Yami-chan? If someone already said it, that means that it's true." Riku walked away, annoyed that I interrupted her moment with Eita.

I don't like Toshi-chan, right? was one of the questions stuck in my mind for the rest of the day.

I decided to skip culinary club today so I could ignore the questions in my head. When the bell rang, I notified Toshi and quickly ran home. I made it there in 10 minutes and pulled out my key from my backpack to open the door. When I got in, I took off my shoes and stole some clothes from Toshi's closet to wear.

I tried recalling the view I saw from the day we made yam pies and started drawing from my memory. I didn't care how it turned out, I was just trying to get my mind off of things.

When I looked back at my drawing, I realized I was drawing Toshi-chan. What the hell Wayuri? I quickly ripped the paper apart and threw it in the trash. Oh god, what am I feeling?

Wakatoshi's POV

When Yuri said she was going to skip her club, I was a bit suspicious as to why. I wanted to ask her, but I felt like she wanted alone time so I let her be.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

When I got home, I found Yuri laying on my bed with my clothes already on. She was listening to music on her phone so I didn't want to disturb her.

I managed to see a bit of her work and I could tell that she put a lot of effort into it. It was shaded nicely, with every shadow being shaded with the perfect color. Every line was delicately formatted, as if the led on her pencil was limited.

"Pervert, are you done looking at what I'm drawing?" she asked, still looking at her drawing and not at me. I quickly nodded and walked to the bathroom to change.

When I finished changing I ended up standing at the edge of my door instead of entering my room. I looked at Yuri, who looked less agitated than she was earlier. I guess her skipping club helped.

Her hair was messily tied into a ponytail, which kaa-san taught her how to do during her free time. She sometimes closed her eyes, probably trying to recall the view she saw from before. I guess she really can concentrate, she doesn't even noti-

"You really are a pervert." Yuri cut my thoughts as she threw a pillow to my face.

I gave her a small smirk and walked up to her, picking up a pillow in the process. She quickly moved her paper aside and picked up a pillow as well. We then began to have what Tendou would call a "pillow fight."

And I had to admit... it was fun.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


You've gotta admit, pillow fights are the best! If you enjoyed this chapter, please vote and comment and I hope to see you in the next one!

Stay safe and have a wonderful day!!

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