𝘁𝘄𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘆 𝘁𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗲

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Author's POV

Aiyoko came home at around 12 am and by that time, Wakatoshi was asleep. Aiyoko thought that Wayuri was too, but she was greeted by the black haired teen when she came in.

"Toshi's birthday is on August 13th, right?" Wayuri asked.

"Yeah," Aiyoko replied. "Is that the reason why you're still up?"

"Kind of..."

"OMG!! Are we going to host a surprise party?" Aiyoko excitedly asked.

"Yeah," Yuri admitted, "I was going to ask for your consent, though."

"Well, you have it! As long as I get to help you."

"Of course, I wasn't planning on doing it without you, anyway."

Wayuri's POV

On August 11th, I informed all of the other 3rd years about the surprise party.

I instructed the boys to set up the party at 12:00 pm while I would distract Toshi. Then, at 4:00, we would all surprise him when he opens the door. Thankfully, they all agreed with big smiles.

However, on the day before Toshi's birthday, there was a small incident. According to Reon, Tendou almost revealed the secret, but Eita managed to intervene their conversation before Tendou could say anything.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

When the day came, I quickly greeted Toshi happy birthday when he woke up. He nodded a thank you as I instructed him to put on some clothes.

"Where are we going?" He asked.

"It's a surprise," I replied with a wink, "Just wear something sporty."

Wakatoshi's POV

After 30 minutes of public transportation, Yuri ended up dragging me to a paintball center.

"Is this my surprise?" I asked.

"Yeah." I then heard her say something under her breath, but it was too quiet for me to hear.

When we checked in, Yuri and I were given paintball gear. I quickly walked into the changing room to put it on. However, it was a bit of a struggle since I had no idea how to put it on.

As I left the changing room with the gear on, I found a girl who had her back facing me. Her jet-black hair was tied into a high ponytail; her gear was on and a paintball gun was slung on her left arm. She must be an employee, I thought to myself.

When she turned around, I silently gasped. It was Yuri. There was a smirk plastered on her face as she stared at me.

"Have you used a paintball gun before?" Yuri asked as I shook my head.

"Well then-" she stretched her left shoulder, letting the gun rattle as she winked at me- "Prepare to lose, pervert."

Author's POV

Before Wayuri and Wakatoshi entered the arena, they were informed by the staff that they would be going against each other before they played as a team.

"Kiss your ass goodbye, Toshi, because you're about to go down." Yuri smirked again as they were walking to the arena.

Wakatoshi was frightened by her, if he were to be honest. Her eyes had an intense glare and she had a sly look plastered on her face. Wakatoshi couldn't think of a response, so he nervously gulped from his horror.

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