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Wayuri's POV

As soon as Wakatoshi and I entered the house, Aiyoko greeted us. "Hello you two, hurry up and wash off to go to school."

We began to head to Wakatoshi's room, but Aiyoko called me over.

"Wayuri, your uniform on my bed inside my room. It's at the second door to your left." Aiyoko informed me.

I nodded and walked to Aiyoko's room. I followed her instructions and found her room, when I noticed a picture of a younger Wakatoshi, Aiyoko, and a man I didn't know. Who is he? It must be his dad, he looks almost identical to Wakatoshi. I wonder what happened to him.

I looked away from the picture and looked to Aiyoko's bed. I immediately found my uniform and started glancing at it.

It consisted of an oversized white blazer with wine red outlining the outside, and a light blue button up dress shirt. There was a gray long sleeve shirt to wear over the dress shirt, but I'm hoping that it was part of the winter uniform since it's too hot to wear during spring. (A/N: School in Japan starts in April)

There was also a wine red skirt that I hope would go to my knees. It's already bad enough I have to wear skirts. I found a matching dark maroon tie and knee high socks that I would be required to wear as well. I sighed but began to walk toward the bathroom holding the clothing. It's better than nothing, right?

Author's POV

As soon as Wayuri got to the bathroom, Wakatoshi walked out. He had nothing covering him except for a white towel wrapped around his waist. His hair was wet and there were still little water droplets dripping off. His abs were clearly visible and there was nothing he could do to hide them.

Damn, if I didn't know any better, I would already be swooning at his feet like any other girl, Wayuri thought as she examined him.

Aiyoko saw the situation, but didn't bother interfering. Let's see what these two teenagers will do. Damn, it's just like the movies, better grab the popcorn. The mom thought, and stood up from her seat to grab the salty snack.

"Ahem," Wakatoshi cleared him throat, waking Wayuri from her thoughts. "I'm done with the bathroom, you can use it."

Wayuri slapped his shoulder. "Next time wear more clothing when you're done taking a shower," she told him.

He gave her an almost unnoticeable eye roll. As if I'd listen to her, he thought as he was walking to his room.

Aiyoko continued eating her popcorn. Damn guys, I expected more flavor, Aiyoko thought to herself while mentally facepalming.

Meanwhile, Wayuri stood outside the bathroom door trying process what happened. He should really wear a shirt more often. It's really distractin- What the hell am I thinking? It is not distracting, and I am going to be able to control myself since it is clear that Wakatoshi will continue being shirtless inside this house.

She entered the bathroom and set her uniform near the sink. She then took off the piece of string holding her hair together and set it near her uniform. However, she didn't notice that it fell into the trash.

She entered the bathtub and realized that the only shampoo there was Wakatoshi's. Fuck it, like anyone would notice anyway. She put it on and started washing her hair.

As soon as she finished taking a shower, she put on her uniform and dried her hair with a hair dryer she found inside a cabinet. She looked in the mirror, noticing that the blazer was a bit larger than her size, since it went past her skirt. But then she noticed the size of her skirt.

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