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Wayuri's POV

As we were fixating our teams, I realized how nice they all were. Tendou offered me to play almost immediately, and Reon fixed the other 3rd years' attitudes when they were getting to rowdy. I can tell Eita's really competitive though, but there's no harm in that.

It was a 3vs3 match. Me, Wakatoshi, and Tendou were going to go against Reon, Eita, and Yamagata.

When we were starting, I realized that I was wearing a skirt. Damn it, I won't be able to play properly. I had to set everything without jumping, which made it a bit difficult for me.

Our team was up by 4 points, thanks to Wakatoshi's killer spike. I guess I understand why he was put in the top 3 aces.

However, Tendou's guess blocking was almost always on point, which made it easier for our team to get points. At times, I would have to act as a libero because Wakatoshi and Tendou insisted that I should. It was really difficult to do, not to mention, because I was wearing a skirt.

On the other side, Eita wasn't bad as a setter, and Reon was an all-rounded player. Of course, their team had Yamagata, who was an actual libero, so they had better defense than us.

I counted the points we had in my head since we didn't have a scoreboard at the time. Our team had 14 and theirs had 10. I realized there was only 10 minutes until lunch was over so I informed the 3rd years and we began to clean up.

"Damn Wayuri, you're a good setter. I can't even read your form until you set the ball," Yamagata complimented me. I nodded a thank you to him and proceeded to pick up my things.

"Wayuri," Eita called out. I looked at him, wondering what he would say.

"You're not that bad of a setter," Eita commented.

I gave him a small smile and walked to Wakatoshi, who was taking off his practice clothing at the time.

When he finished changing I asked, "Let's go?"

He nodded his head slightly as we began to walk back to class.

"When'd you learn volleyball?" Wakatoshi asked me.

"I played for a semester in 4th grade, and that's pretty much it." I replied.

He looked shocked at my response, but nodded.

We got to class and Hiyoto looked at me with a disgusted look. I shot her a smile and she grunted.

"She really is obsessed with you, and she hates me because of it," I whispered to Wakatoshi when we sat down.

"My bad, what do we do then?" He whispered in my ear.

I could feel his breath, and for a second it made me shiver. Why would I even feel this way about him if his mom is probably going to return me to the orphanage tomorrow?

"Nothing, Hiyoto hates me and that's enough for now. She'll start digging for anything she can use once she realizes that we're not related. So for now, only the 3rd years can know about us. We'll just have to keep up the act until she stops obsessing over you." I replied.

"So basically all year?" he asked for confirmation, to which I nodded.

Class was about to start. This'll be one hell of a ride.

Wakatoshi's POV

School was dismissed for today, and I was glad that class was over. I notified Wayuri that she would have to walk home after school with me until she memorizes the route to and from my house.

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