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Wakatoshi's POV

When Yuri left, I knew that she was going to be drawing in our room so I didn't bother following her.

"Wakatoshi, I expect that this won't happen again." Kaa-san gave me a threatening scowl and I nodded.

I won't let anything happen to her.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Yuri-chan," I called while we were walking to the academy.


"From now on you have to attend lunch practice with me, text me when you arrive at culinary club, and wait for me to walk you home."

"What do you think I am? A baby?" She countered.

"This cannot happen again." I gave her a stern look, but she countered it. We continued staring at each other, waiting for the other to cave in.

After a few minutes, she gave in and agreed to my terms.

"Good," I replied with a small smirk.

Wayuri's POV

When the lunch bell rang, I started walking with Toshi to the volleyball gym. We split up once we made it to the boy's locker room so he could change into his practice clothes.

I continued walking until I made it to the gym. However, I was stopped by a few second years.

"If you keep walking, you'll never get back home," one said.

"If you take Michiyo-senpai away from Ushiwaka-senpai, she's going to shred you to pieces," another chuckled.

I ignored their threats and continued walking. As if I'd get scared, I've dealt with worse things than a couple of bluffs.

When I made it to the gym, I had to enter a stairwell to get to the bleachers since they weren't on the ground floor. When I was a few steps away from the stairwell, I was shoved onto the floor. However, I heard a strange noise only a millisecond after.

Author's POV

When Wakatoshi was pulling out his practice clothes from his gym bag, he noticed a bento box. Oh right, Yuri forgot hers so I picked it up for her.

He picked up the bento and started walking towards the bleachers to hand it to her. However, he noticed something strange. Yuri was walking towards the stairwell to the bleachers, but a few girls were holding a gigantic frame from the hallway above her.

He dropped the bento and started sprinting at an almost inhumane speed towards Yuri, trying to make sure that she wouldn't get hurt again.

The captain made it to the stair well a few seconds before Wayuri was directly under the hallway. He shoved Wayuri out of the way with his body and shielded her with his own.

The frame fell only inches away from the duo, but they were equally scared. Wayuri moved away from Wakatoshi, trying to recall the previous events.

"What fell?" she asked.

Wakatoshi pointed to a fallen frame behind him and then looked above to see who the girls were. However, they fled before Wakatoshi could get a good view of their faces.

"Are you okay?" he asked Wayuri.

"Yeah, you?"

Wakatoshi gave a small nod, trying to ignore the sharp pain he was feeling on his back. Wayuri stood up and was waiting for Wakatoshi to do the same, but he couldn't.

"What happened?" she asked again, noticing the small faces Wakatoshi was making. However, he shook his head while trying his best to ignore the pain.

"Damn it, Toshi. I'll examine it at a more private room for your convenience." Wayuri helped Wakatoshi stand up and together, started walking to the culinary room.

She made him sit on a table while she started looking for any signs of injury on his body. She noticed a trace of red dripping down the back of his shirt so she told him to take it off. He gave a small nod and took his shirt off, struggling in the process.

Wayuri examined him and noticed a few shards of glass in his back. They weren't deep, but without the proper care, the scars could get infections. Wayuri started searching the room to see what she could do to heal the wound.

After a thorough search, she found a pair of tweezers that were used for decorating small foods. Fortunately, Riku suggested that they were essential for the club.

Wayuri then found a few bottles of rubbing alcohol that were used to clean tables, and a white rag.

She walked back to Wakatoshi and cleaned the pair of tweezers with rubbing alcohol. She gave the captain a towel to put in his mouth so he wouldn't scream from the process.

"I'm sorry if this hurts," she apologized in advance. Wakatoshi said something in reply, but his words were muffled from the rag in his mouth.

Wayuri cleaned her tweezers again to relieve her stress and started pulling the shards from Wakatoshi's back. He wasn't screaming from the pain, but Wayuri noticed that he was hurting.

The shards were the size of tennis balls and were a few centimeters in his skin. There were multiple of them scattered around his back, so it was a miracle that he could handle the removal with passing out.

After about 15 minutes, the removal was done and Wayuri removed the rag from Wakatoshi's mouth.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"Not as good as usual, but fine," he reassured. "Where'd you learn how to remove shards?"

"At the orphanage, the only interesting books to read were pamphlets on how to heal certain cuts and bruises," she explained. 

Wakatoshi nodded as Wayuri took a clean rag and started drenching it in alcohol. After she was satisfied with the amount, she started cleaning Wakatoshi's cuts.

"Toshi, why'd you save me?" she asked.

"I didn't want you to get hurt again."

"I'm fine on my own, Toshi-chan. You don't need to protect me."

Wakatoshi winced from the pain as Wayuri placed the rag on another cut. "You were going to die if I didn't push you out of the way."

"At least you weren't going to get hurt," she countered. I'd rather die than see him in pain.

"Preferably, I'd choose to be in pain than to attend your funeral."

"Well, I'd prefer," she chuckled at her use of words. "-to pass away than to see you dead. Besides-" she moved her hand to clean another cut and Wakatoshi winced again from the pain.

"I'm just an orphan, you didn't have to do anything for me."

"You're not an orphan anymore, Yuri-chan."

She smiled from Wakatoshi's words and a tear fell from her eyes. I have a family.

"Well then-" she started cleaning another cut that made Wakatoshi wince. "-Thank you for saving me."

Wakatoshi nodded while wincing. "At least we're both alive from today's incident."

... if only they knew that someone videoed their entire conversation.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


I wish I could tell you who managed to video their talk, but that's a story for another day 🙃 besides, you probably already guessed it anyway... but I still won't tell you.

Stay safee ~

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