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Wayuri's POV

Me and Wakatoshi finished changing for the second time and sat down to eat dinner.

"So," Aiyoko-san looked at me. "I see that you've been adjusting here nicely?"

"Yes, thank you for having me here," I answered honestly. I've never felt like this before.

"Well that's good," Aiyoko-san replied. "So, how was your guys' first day of school?" she asked the both of us.

"It was good," Wakatoshi responded. However, Aiyoko-san looked like she wanted to know more, and Wakatoshi noticed.

"Wayuri played volleyball with the team today," he added.

Aiyoko looked at me. "You did? What position did you play?"

"Setter," I stated.

Aiyoko looked at Wakatoshi next. "Was Semi intimidated?" she asked, to which Wakatoshi responded with a nod. Aiyoko looked towards me again.

"Are you good?" she asked me, in which I shook my head.

"Yeah she is, Semi even ended up complimenting her," Wakatoshi intervened.

Aiyoko started chuckling. "Wow Wayuri, you must be good if Semi-san complimented you. I've been to their games, and he's really competitive. He can't really accept someone being better than him."

I gave a small smile at her response. Was that really a compliment though? I asked myself while recalling the memory.

"And I'm hoping the both of you haven't caused any trouble with anyone else today?" Aiyoko asked.

"Ah, no not really." Wakatoshi replied.

"Oh god you two, what happened?" she asked.

"Well," I started. "Some girl who's obsessed with Wakatoshi is jealous because we're always together, and she threatened me so she could sit next to him." I explained.

"And what did you do about it?" Aiyoko asked, fully interested.

"Well, Wayuri kept on answering questions that no one else in the class could solve, which made her really mad. And then during the beginning of lunch she asked how Wayuri knew me, so we just said that we're cousins." Wakatoshi responded.

"And why'd you lie exactly?" Aiyoko asked the two of us.

"I don't want to get expelled from another school again." I answered.

"Again?" Aiyoko asked with a worried look.

"Ah," I need to avoid this question. "It's a long story."

"Well," Wakatoshi started swirling his cup of water in a circular motion. "We have all of dinner so..."

I shot him a glance before I began. "Well, I was a 1st year in highschool when this occurred. There was a 3rd year who knew I was an orphan and tried his best to bribe me to go, ummm... with him to his house. Of course, I refused his offer but then he started to," I tried my best to describe the scenario.

"Act like I was an object instead of a human being. I've dealt with these types of scenarios multiple times before, so I tried hitting him square in the face, but he knew martial arts, and dodged easily. Then, he began to fight back. I won the fight with only a small bruise on my neck from, uhh... yeah, while he was knocked unconscious.

"However, the next day his parents informed the administration about what happened between me and him, but he switched the story on me. He told them that he let me hit him because he couldn't bring it to himself to hit a girl. I tried my best to explain myself, but I knew they wouldn't listen. So I ended up getting expelled." I thought again. "Other scenarios like this happened in the past as well."

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