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Wakatoshi's POV

As I opened the gym door, it made a louder noise than I anticipated. All the other 3rd years looked at me with different expressions on each of their faces.

"Ushijima-chan, where have you been? I missed you, it's more difficult having to take care of Semi without you!!" Tendou shouted as he was running towards me. He engulfed me into a hug, as if he hasn't seen me in forever.

"Tendou, please stop. You're invading my personal space," I told him.

"Whatever captain, I know you missed me too," he shot back, disconnecting his arms from me in the process. I looked at him, trying to find something to say, but what he said was true.

Not only did I miss him, I missed the whole team, even if it was only a week I had been gone. I looked at him without a response, hoping that my conversation with him would be over. But it's Tendou, so the conversation wouldn't end there.

Tendou looked at the rest of the team, who were all warming up. "Hey guys," he shouted. "Ushijima-chan missed us! Can you believe it?" He then put either hand on his cheeks and opened his mouth, trying to act surprised.

I saw all of the other 3rd years beginning to form faces of awe. They began running towards me with their arms stretched out, planning to embrace me.

They started getting closer to me, so I began to run. I don't like my personal space getting invaded, it's rather uncomfortable. I found a spot to hide in so I ran towards there, trying my best not to get caught. I ended up hiding under the bleachers, which was surprisingly a clean place. I looked outside, trying to find where my teammates went. At least I'm safe.

When I confirmed that there was no one in sight, I turned my head, relieved that they couldn't find me... until I got piled on by the other 3rd years, engulfing me into their hug.

"Ushijima-chan, we missed you too!" they all shouted with laughter. They knew that I missed them, but I wouldn't admit it, ever.

Wayuri's POV

I started walking with the president to the club room. She had shoulder length ash blonde hair and big black rimmed glasses that framed her face.

"So," the girl started. "I'm Suzuki Riku, 3rd year, class 1. Although, you can call me Riku. And if you still don't know, I'm also the president of the club."

"Hello, I'm Motoyami Wayuri, 3rd year, class 3. Nice to meet you Riku," I introduced.

"Okay Motoyami, we have a bake sale every other Wednesday, and I assume you already know the basics of cooking and baking?" she asked, to which I nodded.

"Ah, I have a question for you." Riku mentioned.

"What is it?" I asked while tilting my head slightly.

"Is it true that you and Ushijima are cousins?" she asked.

"Yes, it is. Why do you ask?" I asked her, hoping that my secret wouldn't be exposed on the second week of school.

"It's just that," she stopped for a second. "Another 3rd year, Michiyo, told me that both of his parents don't have any siblings, so she's trying to figure out what happened." Riku giggled at her explanation.

"Oh." I mumbled. Damn it, Toshi doesn't have any relatives. What should I say? I began to fake laugh, trying to hide my horror. What if this girl finds out? Who is Michiyo?

"Anyway, you do know Ushijima's status at school, right?" Riku asked me, waking me from my thoughts.

I shook my head in response. What does she mean? "He's actually really popular here. Ushijima is really quiet, but ever since he was featured in magazines, he's known by everyone at the academy now. It's why Michiyo 'loves' him, or at least that's what she told me." Riku giggled again while trying to make conversation with me.

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