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Wakatoshi's POV

We continued walking back home, but Wayuri started paying attention to what was surrounding her this time. I realized that there was a sharp pain in my left ankle so I began limping. It must've been hit by the tire, I thought while I was walking. 

"Hey, are you okay?" she asked.

She noticed. I nodded silently but the pain began getting even worse. I sighed as I felt the bruise began to hurt more.

Wayuri suddenly grabbed onto my waist to support me. "Thank you...?" I replied to her gesture.

She nodded as we continued walking home.

Wayuri's POV

Me and Wakatoshi got inside the house and I immediately told him to sit down on the couch. I've dealt with sprains way too many times so I'm experienced with them.

While Wakatoshi was limping himself to the couch, I looked around the kitchen to see what I could use to heal his sprain.

I found some ice, an elastic bandage, and a knife. I held a small stool I found and walked to where Wakatoshi was.

"Wakatoshi, can I see your sprain?" I asked.

He nodded and rolled up his pants far enough to reveal left ankle.

"Well, at least there isn't any blood," I examined. He nodded again as I started putting ice on his sprain.

After a few minutes I took off the ice and began to wrap his sprain with the bandage I found.

"Wayuri, how do you know how to wrap a sprain?" Wakatoshi asked me.

"While I was in the orphanage, I would never feel hungry during lunch so I ran during the whole break. Often, some older boys would try to trip me while I ran, and I fell a lot. I would sprain my ankles or my knees most of the time, but we didn't have a nurse in the orphanage. So I would have to nurse myself instead." I explained to him.

He nodded as I continued to wrap his sprain. "Thank you Wakatoshi, really." I said since I forgot to tell him earlier. He waved it off with his hand.

I finished wrapping so I began to pull out the knife. I could see Wakatoshi's eyes widening, he must be scared.

"What is that for?" he pointed to the knife with his finger in a calm matter, despite his horror.

"That," I stopped to look up at Wakatoshi. "Is to chop off the excess bandage," I said as I cut the bandage that wasn't needed.

"You could've used scissors," Wakatoshi countered.

"Well, I didn't find any. Besides, your reaction was the best part of my day." I remarked.

"Just remember who saved your life," he reminded me.

"Just remember who's holding the knife," I countered him with a wink.

Wakatoshi's POV

I realized that Wayuri's stamina has come from her running during lunch in the orphanage, and she must've gotten her speed by trying to outrun those boys. Wow, she's been through a lot to achieve her running stance.

Me and Wayuri changed into our pajamas after a few minutes of sitting together on the couch. Well, I gave Wayuri some of my clothes again.

I sat down on my desk while reading a magazine. I started getting bored from reading all the advertisements, so I began writing down small notes on separate pieces of paper and sticking them on the magazine.

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