𝘁𝘄𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘆 𝘁𝘄𝗼

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Wakatoshi's POV

In the boy's locker room, the other 3rd years surrounded me.

"Where's Yami-chan?" Tendou impatiently asked.

"She's sick," I responded with a sigh.

"Then skip practice!" Eita shouted.

"That's not allowed."

"Just go," Leon said, "We'll cover for you."

Since I wanted to stay with Yuri in the first place, I gave in with a small nod and started walking out the room.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I made it to my house in about 20 minutes and opened the door with my key. After I took my shoes off, I started walking towards my room to check on Yuri.

When I entered, I saw Yuri on the bed with puffy eyes, surrounded by crumpled pieces of paper and broken pencils.

What happened?

Author's POV

Wakatoshi moved the pieces of paper and sat next to Wayuri.

"A-Are you okay?" He asked. He felt bad about Yuri, she didn't deserve to feel so sad.

"Y-Yeah. . ." she replied. "I'm fine."

"If you need anything, I'm here for you."

"You deserve to know the truth," Yuri said as she tried to hold in her tears.

"My parents are- no. were-" she corrected herself. "professional volleyball players."

"I honestly didn't even know that they played volleyball," she admitted. "I didn't even know who my parents were back then."

"Then how'd you find out?" Wakatoshi asked, fully interested in her response.

"When I was in my 1st year of middle school, I was able to go on one of the library's computers. I was bored, so I decided to search up my name, but then, when I hit enter, there were so many websites about me. It was... strange.

"I clicked on the first one. It talked about two high school sweethearts, Watanabe Ren and Motoyami Takumi, who had a daughter, me. I didn't believe it at first, so I looked at a few other websites. They all talked about me and how I 'fell off the face of the earth.'

"I still didn't believe it, so I check the images. And that's when it clicked. I found a picture of Motoyami Takumi and Watanabe Ren holding an infant. I decided to zoom in on the baby to see if it was me and found a tiny birthmark shaped like a heart on her forehead." Wayuri lifted her bangs to reveal an extremely small heart shaped birthmark on the left side of her forehead. She then dropped her hand back to her lap.

"Up until that point, I didn't know what happened to my parents. As far as I knew, I was told that my parents couldn't provide me with the necessary needs. I decided to search up their names to find out what happened, and-" she stopped talking as a tear dripped from her face.

Wakatoshi noticed this and hurriedly wiped the tear away as he looked at her to continue.

"That's when I found out what happened to them. According to my research, the three of us were in a car and driving through a tunnel at night. One of the drivers in another car was drunk and crashed into our car. My parents died that day, but I survived. Apparently, the car seat I was in saved my life, though I'm not sure how.

"When my parents died, I was taken to an orphanage. I was only 4 at the time, so I didn't know what was going on. I don't really have any memories about my parents."

"So you've been moving from house to house ever since?" He asked and Wayuri nodded. "Why weren't you left with their money?"

"I don't think they made a will since they weren't expecting to... pass away. All of their money went to the government. As for my illness, I've always been sick on August 10th, it's the day they died.

"At the orphanage, I would always be used for my 'smarts.' I never had any real friends when I was growing up. Whenever I went to school, I was always bullied for having good grades and being an orphan. Not having anyone who loved me-" she stopped and took a deep breath- "not having anyone who was there for me... I struggled with that as a child."

After a few deep breaths, Wayuri looked at Wakatoshi, who seemed eager to ask something. Knowing him, she knew what he wanted to ask.

"About their careers," she stated as she saw Wakatoshi with a small smile, "My father played as Japan's setter for the Men's Volleyball team and, from what I remember, I read that he was the type of player who would toss the easiest sets for the spiker to hit.

"My mother played as a libero for Japan's Girls Volleyball Team. From what I know, she was able to get any ball up. Since she played soccer when she was little, she had excellent footwork."

Wakatoshi realized something and made a confused face. "If your parents died, why couldn't one of your relatives take care of you?"

"My parents were both only children and their parents passed away."


Wakatoshi's short response made Wayuri remember her rule. The tears started streaming back on Wayuri's face when she realized that what she did could've been something she'd regret in the future.

"This was a mistake. I'm sorry for telling you, Toshi." She started to stand up but Wakatoshi gripped her wrist to stop her from moving.

"You've been by yourself your whole life, haven't you?" He asked.

Wayuri looked down as more tears were streaming down her face. She forced a nod as she continued to cry. Suddenly, she was being pulled into an embrace.

"I won't leave you, Yuri," he whispered into her ear.

I won't leave you.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


This chapter is a bit shorter than usual, but I mean... I think it was still worth the read. To be honest, this chapter was difficult for me to write. I already had a basis of what happened in Wayuri's past, but since I kept on trying to add things, I got really confused in the process.

In the end, I stuck to the original plan, so I hope you're okay with it.

stay safe and if you enjoyed, make sure to vote and comment!

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