𝘁𝘄𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘆 𝗼𝗻𝗲

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Author's POV

Wayuri sat on the floor in shock as she picked the note up to reread it; she wanted to make sure that what she saw wasn't a hallucination. It said:

Wayuri looks like a cute baby when she's trying to draw the small details in her art.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A small smile appeared on her face as she took a deep breath to process what she read. Wait, Toshi writes notes all the time. This is probably the only one, right?

Wayuri opened the box and found multiple magazines. She started looking through them, finding 2-3 notes on every page. Wayuri, now curious, started reading them to identify if any of the others were about her.

Wayuri's hair is so soft, I wish I could braid it again.

When she's happy, she looks like a child who received a lollipop.

Wayuri's devotion towards her art amazes me, she almost died because of it.

Wayuri is-

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Before she could finish reading the next one, she heard the door open. Toshi-chan. She quickly put all of the magazines back inside the box and placed it back in it's original position. Wayuri could hear his footsteps getting louder each second, so she tried to find something to do.

Her safest option was to pretend she was asleep, so she quickly laid on the bed and closed her eyes.

Wakatoshi entered his room and found Wayuri laying her head on a pillow. He laid a blanket on top of her and put his hand on his cheeks, feeling its temperature rise from the sleeping figure.

Meanwhile, Wayuri was trying to think. If I feel the same way Toshi does about me, are Leon and Riku right? Do I really like him?

She felt exhausted from all of her thinking and decided to let it get to her.

Wakatoshi's POV

It was already 9 pm and Yuri wasn't awake yet. I heard a door open, so I left my room to check on it.

"Hello Wakatoshi," kaa-san greeted me. "Do you need anything?"

"Yes," I responded. "We need to talk."

Author's POV

After Aiyoko changed into her sleepwear and made a cup of tea, she sat on the couch with Wakatoshi.

"What did you want to talk about?" she asked.

"It's about Yuri," he stopped for a second to process his thoughts. "I think I love her."

Aiyoko shook her head in disappointment. "Wakatoshi, are you stupid?!"

"You just realized that now?" she shouted. "I thought you already knew-" she massaged her temples. "Does she know?"

"As far as I know, she doesn't."

"Well that's good, at least." Aiyoko let out a small chuckle. "-but if you don't confess to her soon, I'll make her go back to the orphanage." Aiyoko was joking about what she said, but Wakatoshi thought otherwise.

"Besides, I approve of the girl."

"Then kaa-san, why did you think that Yuri should've left when she slapped me?"

Aiyoko started giggling softly. "I was never planning to kick her out, Wakatoshi. I just made you think that to see what you'd say." She started giggling even more. "-and to make sure you loved her."

Wakatoshi looked at her mom with a confused expression, not understanding what she meant.

"You're so clueless!" Aiyoko flicked his son's forehead. "You've acted differently ever since Wayuri stayed with us. You were giving SO many hints that you loved her, but you didn't even notice. When you said that you wanted her to stay, I thought you knew by then, but-" she took a sip of her tea. "I guess not. Is that all you wanted to tell me?"

Wakatoshi nodded and said a quick goodnight before he went to his room. When he entered, he found Wayuri drawing on his bed while listening to music.

"Yuri," he said.

She lowered the volume of her music and looked up. "Yeah?"

Wakatoshi was about to confess to her, but he decided against it. "Goodnight," he said instead.

Wayuri looked at him, confused that he called her just to say goodnight. "Goodnight pervert." After a few minutes of drawing, she put away her stuff and laid on the bed.

Today's been a long day, she thought with a smile.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A few months passed and it was now August 10th. Yuri was always sick at the exact date, no matter how much she tried to avoid it.

"Toshi," she called. "I'm skipping school today." She blew her nose with a tissue and Wakatoshi nodded.

"Call me if you need anything," he said with a small smile before he opened the door.

Once Wakatoshi left the house, Yuri grabbed another sheet of paper and laid it down. When she was about to press the led down, tears started spilling as she remembered the thought she was trying to forget.

Why'd you leave me?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *


So... I kind of made a mistake and published this chapter early (I think it was two days early, I kinda forgot 😳). Because of that, I had to unpublish the chapter, so I'm EXTREMELY sorry for any confusion I might've caused.

*back to my A/N*

Did I scare you with Aiyoko's reply?? Honestly, I was kind of going for it, but I didn't really think you'd expect the main Wayuri x Wakatoshi supporter to do that.

How'd you feel about this chapter?? I'm so excited to let you know why Wayuri was so... emotional on August 10th. Not to mention it's also-

HAHAHAHAHAH- no spoilers. You'll find out soon, though.

On an unrelated but kind of related topic, I've been watching Avatar: The Last Airbender for the last few days. The show is too addicting, and since I have horrible time management skills, this chapter barely made it out on time.

Okay, that's ittt. stay safe you guys ~

(I won't let the show get in the way of my updating schedule, I think 🙃)

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