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Wayuri's POV

Since Wakatoshi had a sprain, he couldn't play volleyball for a few days. I felt guilty because of what I caused him, seeing how he cared so much about the sport. I shouldn't cause someone pain and make them hide it from their own mother, I thought.

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"Yuri, what after school activity did you choose?" He asked.

"Oh, I forgot I had to join one," I admitted.

"Figures," he nodded his head slightly. Toshi pulled out a form from his backpack, which had all the after school activities. He gave it to me, in which I accepted.

I started to look at the options, but there were too many that I wanted to decide tomorrow. I was about to put it away when I saw the due date. Tomorrow. Shit.

I started reading each after school club, more focused in what each club had to offer. I decided to do what seemed the easiest, culinary club.

I circled the after school activity, content with what I chose.

Baking cookies and making pasta aren't difficult anyway, right?

Wakatoshi's POV

A week already past, and I was a bit ecstatic that the bandage on my ankle would be removed. Even if my ankle got hit by a tire, the damage wasn't that bad.

I woke up at 5:15 am and started getting ready for my morning jog. I sat up from my sleeping position and found Yuri sleeping. I guess she stopped waking up at 5 am now.

I tapped her shoulder after I finished dressing. She immediately darted up saying, "Oh shit, I woke up late. Fuck, I'm going to miss school."

I tried my best to calm her down. "Yuri, you're not going to be late. I'm just going to take a morning run." I gave it some thought before asking, "Would you like to join?"

"Sure...?" she responded with a confused face. I guess she isn't used to me asking her.

I nodded and stood up, then pulling out my hand to help her up. She took it and we began to walk to the door.

"Are you ready to lose?" she asked with a smirk.

"You're on," I replied calmly. I cannot be intimidated by her, it'll ruin how I run. I opened the door for her and started running.

I noticed Yuri starting to sprint, and she was now 2 streets away from me. I guess she knows where to go. I started to sprint, trying my best to catch up with her. After a couple of minutes, I was only a few steps behind her.

"Hey," I greeted.

She seemed shocked by my presence and it knocked her off balance. Yuri had a lot of built up momentum while she was running so she couldn't balance herself anymore. She started to fall, but before she hit the ground I managed to catch her in my arms.

My face was inches from hers, our noses practically touching.

"What the hell Toshi-chan?!" she screamed. I almost dropped her from the remark, but I managed to keep her from falling.

I made sure she was standing before I let go. "Toshi-chan, why'd you scare me like that?" she asked as she slapped my shoulder.

I shrugged my shoulders since I didn't know why either. "Come on, let's go home," I suggested. She nodded and we began to walk back home, occasionally making small talk.

The silence was something I enjoyed, it helped me process my thoughts better than if I were to talk to someone about them. Often, talking to people would tire or bore me, but whenever I'm with Yuri, it doesn't. But why?

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