𝘁𝘄𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘆 𝗳𝗼𝘂𝗿

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Wayuri's POV

His shoulders were more broad, his facial features were more defined, and I could tell that he'd been working out from the picture, but I still recognized him. His icy blues and cold glares hadn't changed a bit.

I knew him... and I knew that it'd be almost impossible to beat him.

"Who is he?" Toshi asked as we were walking towards a vending machine.

"He was my..." I took a deep breath. "He was my friend." I heard Toshi's breath stop from the shock, but I wasn't really sure why.

"His name is Yamasaki Kichiro, or as I called him, Hiro. When I first came to the orphanage, he was there. We became good friends, but he got adopted into a rich family when he was 10.

"I was starting in a new school a few months after he left, but..." she stopped. "I didn't know that he'd be there. He recognized me, but he changed. The wealth of his new family got to him and, well, he bullied me.

"No one in school knew about him being adopted, they only knew his financial status. I considered exposing him to the school, but... I didn't."

"Why?" Toshi asked.

"I guess I decided to spare him the trouble. He enjoyed his new life and I didn't want to get in the way of it, even though we were both orphans. Being an orphan can change a person, but it doesn't excuse their behavior."

"What makes him so good?" Toshi questioned.

"His aim was so precise. When we used to play paintball games, the last opponents would be me and him. Hiro would win, though, since-"

"Hello Lilly," I heard someone call. That nickname. I knew who it was. I turned around and was greeted by a tall figure.

"Hello Hiro," I said with a scowl.

"Why'd you choose to play against us?" Hiro pointed to himself and then his teammate, who was fairly tall and very skinny. "You're going to lose and you won't even have a chance at beating us."

I sarcastically rolled my eyes at him as I walked closer to him. I put a hand on his shoulder and looked at him with a serious expression.

"Game on."

Wakatoshi's POV

I took one look at Yamasaki and he already pissed me off. He had spiky black hair and blue eyes. Yuri and him could pass as siblings, I thought to myself.

After our opponents were dressed in gear, we were waiting for the arena to open.

"So, Lilly, how's life like? Apparently-" Yamasaki motioned his hand towards me- "You have a new boyfriend...?"

I looked at Wayuri and gasp in shock. She had a boyfriend? I look at her now crimson cheeks.

"H-Hiro," she stuttered, "I had a crush on you and you had a crush on me, it was n-n-nothing more."

"I asked you to be my girlfriend and you said yes. What do you mean there 'was nothing more'?"

"WE WERE SEVEN!!" Wayuri shouted. "WE WERE STUPID!"

"You-you broke up with me," Yamasaki whined.

"You were getting adopted," she explained, "You were going to forget me."

"But I didn't. You saw me at school, and yet-"

Yuri cut him off with a scowl. "You bullied me, okay? You acted like some rich kid who could get anything. I'm over it now, though. Just please, do me a favor: act like an adult—for once in your life—and get over it!"

"I can't forget you, Lilly."

"Well I can," she said.

"Obviously, you didn't."

Yuri looked at me sadly, almost apologetically. In a way, though, Yamasaki was right. Yuri didn't forget him, she remembered him.


"The arena's open now," I announce before Yuri has a chance at speaking. I looked at her relieved face, but shot her a look that said you owe me an explanation.

She nods before we go in.

Wayuri's POV

I felt bad for lying to Toshi. I thought he didn't need to know, but I guess he did. Fuck you, Hiro, I cursed in my head. Fuck you for ever coming into my life.

After a few seconds of examining the arena, I looked at Toshi and whispered, "I'll take Hiro, you take his partner." 

He nodded and hid behind a rock while I hid in one as well, but a few feet away from him. And then, a loud bell rang. It was starting.

I knew Hiro's tactics. Scare the opponent by shooting at their position, wait for them to get intimidated enough to shoot back, and when they reveal themselves, shoot. I knew because... he's the one who taught me how to play the game.

However, I had a tactic of my own. The element of surprise. Hiro did always say I was nimble on my feet.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I was 8 at the time and in the paintball

arena with my "ex-boyfriend," Hiro.

"Come on, Lilly, you can do it!" A younger Hiro shouted.

"I-I can't," I wheezed out, "I-I'm too tired."

"You'll keep on getting shot then. Come on!"

"Fine, fine." I stood up from my position and started looking around for any opponents. Strangely, though, there were none.

"Lilly!" I heard Hiro shout. Suddenly, 5 paintball guns were aimed towards me. I closed my eyes as I was waiting for the pain on my body, but I felt none. I opened my eyes and found a slightly taller figure standing in front of me.

"H-Hiro?" I look at his blue eyes as he smiled through his helmet.

"You were tired, you wouldn't be able to defend yourself in time."

I kissed him on the cheek as a way to thank his small gesture.

"I'm never washing my face again," he joked. The bell rang and our small activity was finished for the day.

I looked at Hiro with a small smirk. "Weirdo." As we were walking towards the exit, though, I stop him and whisper the words, "You're my hero, Hiro."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I heard paintballs exploding on the rock I was leaning against. Knowing Hiro could hear me, I shouted, "You really are an asshole, Hiro."

I heard his gun rattle as he stood up. "I thought I was your hero."

Realizing that he was standing up, I stood up and pointed my gun at him, but then I noticed that his gun was pointing at me too. Shit.

"It's now or never, Lilly," he mocked. "Now. Or. Never."

If I shot at him, it was obvious that he'd do the same. There's nothing to lose, right? Just as I was about to pull my trigger, someone else shot him.

I look at where the shot came from and found Toshi looking at me with a small grin.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *


I hope you enjoyed this chapter! There will be more "reunion" stuff in the next chapter, so keep posted!

Stay safe and I'll see you soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2020 ⏰

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