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Wakatoshi's POV

"I choose-" I was cut by Yuri's sobs, which hurt me to think that she was crying.

"I want her to stay," I stated confidently. Kaa-san nodded in approval as I rushed to Yuri, who was in my room.

She was almost nude when I entered, wearing only her bra and underwear. I looked to see where her uniform went and found it on a hanger near my closet.

She was packing her only belongings as tears were rushing down her face. I put my hand on her wrist, signaling her to stop packing. She looked up to me as more tears were rushing down her face.

What do I do? I asked myself. Unconsciously, I pulled her into an embrace and whispered, "You're not leaving, Yuri."

I felt her mouth open as she pulled away from the hug. She wiped her tears and looked at me with awe and a small smile. "Really?" she asked and I nodded. "I'm sorry for doubting you, Toshi-chan. I should've trusted you, but I guess I couldn't because-" she cut her words and took a deep breath.

"I hope you can forgive me." She hugged me tightly with her eyes closed.

I realized that she was almost naked, so I tried to hide the blush that was forming on my cheeks. "I forgive you," I whispered into her hair. We stood in a silent hug until someone interrupted.

"Wakatoshi!" Kaa-san shouted. "Let go of Wayuri, she needs to put on clothes first." I immediately let go of Yuri as she started walking towards my closet. But before she reached it, kaa-san stopped her by saying, "By the way, nice body."

I saw Yuri blush from kaa-san's comment, so I decided to examine her more. She had an hourglass figure and a toned set of abs. How did I never notice this? I asked myself.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The rest of the day passed by in a blur as I was sitting on my desk and reading another magazine while Yuri was drawing on the bed.

When I looked to the bed where Yuri was laying, she was sound asleep. It looked like it was unintentional since she was sleeping on her paper with her pencil still in her hand.
She must've been tired from everything that happened, I figured.

I carefully lifted her head to grab the sketch she was laying on. When I retrieved the paper, I picked up a pillow and laid it under her head. I then grabbed a blanket and placed it over her body.

Before I put Yuri's sketch inside her backpack, I decided to take a quick look. Since she was laying on the paper, it was a bit wrinkled; it was a drawing of a bouquet of lilies. They were extremely detailed with an extreme amount of precision. I couldn't see any erased lines, so she must've drawn everything freehandedly.

She really is an artist.

Wayuri's POV

All of the emotions I felt yesterday must've taken a toll on me since I felt a vast amount of fatigue when I woke up. I tried to sit up, but every time I moved, my head would swoon repeatedly.

"Yuri?" Toshi called.

"Can I skip school today? I'm seeing 3 of you right now," I admitted.

"Of course," he replied. "Do you want me to take care of you?"

"I'm not a baby, Toshi."

"Fine," he mumbled. "Call me if you need anything, and I mean anything."

I mouthed a yes in response since I couldn't shake my head; It would only cause more pain. I closed my eyes a second time to go back to sleep.

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