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A Quick Update:

Heyooo, I know that I've been posting everyday recently, but would it be okay if I started posting once every 3 days like i used to?? I'm beginning to fall behind on schoolwork because I've been writing too much lately.

And unexpectedly, it started making my sleep schedule to be worse than it already is, and it's starting to cause me a lot of stress and a headache.

Oh, and I have a question for you guys:

How's my story so far?

To be honest, I'm really invested into this story, but I feel like I'd be able to write better if I hear how you guys feel about it. Don't hesitate to comment or message how you feel about my story, because I genuinely appreciate what you say. I'll also try my best to incorporate any critiques you say in my next chapter, so no worries with what you might say :)

~ C. Evans

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