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Wakatoshi's POV

I felt a stinging pain on my cheek. I was confused with who would do such a thing, but then I remembered. Yuri.

I felt my cheek with my hand, trying to see what injury she may have given me. Yuri was a strong person, but when she slapped me, I could tell that it wasn't her full power. It was almost as if... she didn't want to hurt me.

I would get a bruise on my cheek, but there wouldn't be anything more to that. Even though I was feeling physical pain, I knew that Yuri was feeling more mental pain than I could ever imagine.

Author's POV

"Motoyami-san!" The sensei shouted. "Go outside, we'll talk soon."

Wayuri looked down as she gave a small nod and started walking to the door. However, Wakatoshi wanted to stop her from getting in trouble; he didn't want her to get expelled from another school.

"Sensei-san," Wakatoshi stated calmly. Yuri turned her head to see what the captain would do.

"It was my fault, I provoked her."

Their sensei was confused with the duo. Everyone in the class had seen what Yuri did, yet Wakatoshi was trying to take the blame. "Very well then." She cleared her throat to continue, trying to make sure she wouldn't stutter at her next words. "You may go outside as well."

Wakatoshi gave a small smile at the teacher, leaving her confused with her eyes wide. He then started walking towards the exit while following Wayuri's lead.

Once they made it outside of class, Wayuri was fuming with anger as she turned to face Wakatoshi.

"Don't try to protect me, Wakatoshi. I don't need anyone else in my life."

"I'm not protecting you," he admitted. "I'm just telling the truth."

This enraged Wayuri even more."Why can't you just admit that you filmed the video? If you're willing to get suspended to tell the truth, why can't you tell the truth now!?"

Wakatoshi looked at her in the eyes, but his gaze was different this time. He was trying to read through her, but it was more difficult than it seemed.

"I don't lie, Yuri."

For some reason, Wayuri felt more convinced with Wakatoshi's words. When he looked at her, he saw her true self who was shielded by years of sadness and betrayal in the past.

Wayuri wanted to make sure he was telling the truth, so she recalled all of her random talks with Wakatoshi, realizing that he has, not once, lied to her. And the truth hit her like a truck.

He never betrayed me, she thought as a small smile appeared on her face. But I betrayed him. Her smile quickly vanished and was replaced by a frown and a single tear dripping from her cheek.

Wakatoshi looked at Wayuri and realized how she truly was below the surface. A vulnerable girl who wasn't loved, but deserved to be. His heart was in pain from the discovery; he felt sorry for her... but now, guilt washed upon him.

Wakatoshi wiped the tear from her cheek as he tried his best to comfort her.

"Toshi, why didn't you tell me?" Wayuri mumbled.

"I tried to tell you, but you didn't listen."

Suddenly, Wayuri was pulled back to reality. I slapped Wakatoshi in front of the whole class, which means-

"It was nice meeting you, Wakatoshi." Wayuri gave a small bow which left Wakatoshi confused.

"Why are you sounding like we'll never see each other again?" He questioned.

"Because-" Wayuri was trying her best to hold in her tears as she tried not to stutter. "W-We won't see each other again."

"What do you mean?" He asked with a quizzical look.

"I guess this is goodb-"

"Ushijima-san, Motoyami-san," the sensei interrupted. "I called your parental guardians, but there's something a bit off. I looked at your files, but the contacts were the same. Do you know anything about this?"

"Yes," Wayuri confirmed. "I've been living under the Ushijima's roof since I'm an or-" she stopped for a second, wondering if she should tell the teacher. However, everyone in Shiratorizawa already knew her secret, so she didn't care anymore.

"-orphan," she clarified.

The teacher was in shock. She never knew that the smartest student in class could be an orphan. "Very well then," she mumbled. "Your guardian is coming to pick you up in about 15 minutes. Since you already have all of your belongings, go to the office to wait for her."

The two bowed slightly to apologize for the disturbance and started walking towards the office. Shortly after they left, the sensei walked back into the room to continue teaching her lesson.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Wakatoshi, Wayuri, what happened?" Aiyoko asked in the car. Wakatoshi looked at Wayuri and could see her eyes watering, so he took it upon himself to do the explaining.

By the time he finished, Aiyoko arrived at the house. When she unlocked the door, Wayuri quickly excused herself to go to her room.

"Wakatoshi, I'm not sure if we can manage Yuri here anymore. However-" Aiyoko paused for a second. "I'll let you decide on whether or not she'll stay here."

It clicked in Wakatoshi's mind now. This is why she was trying to say goodbye, he thought.

"I choose-" his words were cut by the sound of someone sobbing.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Am I a bad person who's going to leave you like this? I don't know... (tune in to find out!! jkjk, but really)

okay, stay safe you guyss ~

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