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Author's POV

Wayuri's favorite vegetable were yams, ever since she was a kid. They were always served to her at school, even if she couldn't afford it. No one really liked it, so she was allowed to get big portions.

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The boys volleyball teams' practice ended earlier than usual, so Eita came by to check on Riku. When he got there, he saw Riku with her hair messily tied up, but nevertheless saw her as beautiful. Riku noticed Eita standing by the door and invited him in. Of course, he accepted and started helping the culinary club make yam pies.

Meanwhile, Tendou was leaving the gym with the rest of the group behind him, when he started to smell the delicious scent of food coming from an unknown place. On instinct, he started running towards the smell, the scent getting stronger with every step he took. The team was used to Tendou running away, so they immediately started trying to find him.

Tendou ended up at the culinary room, along with all of his teammates behind him. Wakatoshi made eye contact with Eita, who gave a small smile. He was a bit embarrassed that the team had to see him here, but he was spending time with Riku so it was worth it.

"Hey guys," Wayuri greeted them with a small smile. "Do you want to help?" The boys all looked at each other with a confused look, except for Wakatoshi, until Wayuri added something on to her sentence.

"If you guys help, you can eat some of the yam pies we're making when we're finished," she mentioned with a small smirk. The team was interested with what she said. Since they all came from practice, they were starving. The team dropped their backpacks near the door and started helping the culinary club bake.

Michiyo immediately walked up to Wakatoshi, but Wayuri stopped her. "Michi- Hiyoto? I never knew you were Hiyoto. Michiyo means beauty and wisdom, so it's a bit shocking that you're the complete opposite."

Hiyoto ignored Wayuri's comment and tried to lure Wakatoshi in with flirtatious comments. She then asked Wakatoshi who he'd pick.

"Wayuri, let's start cutting the yams," he informed her with a small smile and grabbed her hand, trying to irritate Hiyoto in his own way. Although, he didn't know how this simple gesture affected Wayuri, even if she hid it to the best of her ability.

Wakatoshi knew that Wayuri liked yams, but he didn't know how much she loved them until he saw her eating almost half of the yams they cut from the chopping board. Riku was making the filling with Eita when they noticed the large amount of vegetables Wayuri had eaten.

"She loves yams way too much, doesn't she?" Eita asked Riku.

"Yeah." she gave the word yams some thought before saying, "Yami-chan."

Eita started laughing at the name Riku said. "Yami-chan fits her perfectly," he stated.

He left Riku's side for a bit to whisper Wayuri's new nickname to the other third years on the volleyball team. They all chuckled at her new name but complied to call her that from now on, except for Wakatoshi.

He'd still call Wayuri the name he made for her, Yuri.

After Wayuri and Wakatoshi finished cutting up the yams, they were making the filling. When they started pouring in all of the ingredients, Wakatoshi realized that he didn't know how to properly use a hand mixer.

Wakatoshi was the one who was handling the mixing while Wayuri would be the one to check if it was done yet. When he turned on the machine, the powders went all over Wayuri's face, making her angry.

To get her revenge, she threw a handful of flour onto his hair. Wakatoshi threw a bit of sugar onto her head, making her even more mad. Before their food fight could worsen, Eita and Riku stopped them. They were told to clean off and come back, but they were no longer in charge of mixing.

When Wayuri and Wakatoshi finished washing off, they came back and noticed that all of the pies were already in the oven. Wayuri saw that there was leftover pieces of yam and tried to steal them, but she was stopped by Wakatoshi gripping her wrist.

The president of the club, Riku, started speaking loud enough for the whole room to hear. "Since we're waiting for the pies to bake and there are leftover yams, lets play a game."

The objective of the game was to get the most pieces of yams eaten in a minute. Since there was an equal amount of volleyball members and culinary members, one member from each club would be partners.

The volleyball team would throw the yams into the culinary club members, making it difficult since most aren't good at catching. However, most of the volleyball players normally had pinpoint accuracy, so it would be a fair game for the most part.

Wakatoshi and Wayuri were paired and they were assigned to be the the last players to compete in the game since every pair was taking turns. Eita and Riku were up first, and Riku immediately shouted, "If you choke me I'll kill you."

Eita gave a small chuckle and replied, "You can't kill me if you're choking." He then gave a small wink before the timer started.

They ended up getting 11 in a minute, which immediately set a high score. It scared some of the groups since 11 was already going to be a difficult score to beat.

After most of the teams went, the 1st place score was 23 with Tendou and his partner Onaga Miyako. However, it was Tendou who scored all of the points since Onaga was just standing with her mouth open.

The only pair that hasn't played was Wakatoshi and Wayuri. Wayuri didn't even want to play the game, she just gave in because she knew she'd end up eating the most yams.

"Don't worry about where you throw them Toshi-chan," Wayuri shouted as she got into position. "I'll get them all, I'm rather hungry anyway."

"We'll see about that," Wakatoshi responded. He saw this as a challenge, and wanted to see how far Wayuri was willing to go.

The one minute timer started and immediately Wakatoshi started throwing the yams as fast as he could with pinpoint accuracy, while Wayuri caught them all, occasionally taking a deep breath to quicken her chewing. Barely anyone could count how many yams were eaten. When Wakatoshi counted 24, he knew that they were going to win first place and started challenging Wayuri.

He started throwing them to different places, but she was able to catch each an every single one. He started getting annoyed and wanted Wayuri to miss one, so he began throwing them higher. She never missed any, and it made Wakatoshi pissed but happy in a way, although he couldn't understand why.

When the timer rang, the only person that was able to count how many yams Wayuri ate was Tendou. He confirmed that Wayuri ended up eating 57 pieces of yam, and everyone applauded for the duo except for Hiyoto.

The clapping stopped when another timer rang, signaling that the pies were done. The culinary club and the volleyball team ended up making 168 pies, and the culinary club took 18, giving the rest to the school cafeteria and the club's bake sale.

The two afterschool clubs ended up eating all of the pies within 30 minutes, since the volleyball team was still hungry since they didn't get to eat yet. After they finished eating, they cleaned up their mess and said their farewells.

"We should do that again sometime," Wakatoshi said quietly to Wayuri while they were walking home together.

"Yeah... we should." She replied, not listening to what he said. She was distracted by the moon glowing over her, trying to replicate the scenery in her mind so she could draw it when she got home.

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Have you ever tried yam pies? I'm not really vegetable eater (yes, i know i'm unhealthy), so I'm not really interested in vegetable infused desserts (is that what you call it...?).

If you've tried it, please tell me how it tastes (if it tastes good, I'll consider eating it). 

Stay safe and I hope you read the next one!

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