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Author's POV

Exams were coming up and if Wakatoshi didn't pass, he couldn't play in his tournament. As a small gift of gratitude, Wayuri decided to help him study.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Yuri, what are you doing?" he asked as he closed his magazine.

"I'm helping you study, pervert." Wayuri gave a small eye roll and forced Toshi to share his chair. Surprisingly, they both fit perfectly. However, their legs were forced to touch each other, but they didn't really give notice to it since they've had more physical contact in the past.

Wayuri dropped her books onto the desk and started reading them aloud so Wakatoshi could make notes. After a few hours, Wayuri was thirsty and excused herself to get a drink of water.

As she was walking towards the kitchen, she felt a small vibration from her phone. She looked at the notification and saw a video going viral on Instagram. Wayuri felt interested so she opened the video. It was made by an anonymous account called MotoyamiWayuri_sucks 546.

She was weirded out by the name, but didn't pay much attention. She pressed play and started watching the video.

By the time she finished, she was on the verge of tears. It was a conversation between Wakatoshi and her, exposing herself of being an orphan. Wayuri scrolled down to see the comments and-

You're lucky you're even going to this school, you probably lived in a trash can for most of your life

What a disgusting piece of shit

Just because you're considered pretty doesn't change the fact that you're an orphan

I earned my spot at the academy, they gave it to you because you didn't have anything

If Wayuri were to be honest, she didn't give a shit about the comments. However, she felt pain swell through her body. She darted back to Wakatoshi, who was calmly taking notes on his desk.

"How could you do this to me?" she shouted, trying to hold in her tears.

"Do what?" he asked with a quizzical face. Wayuri held out her phone to show Wakatoshi the video she had seen earlier.

"Why did you film us?" she asked with anger. Why didn't I just stick to the damn rule? If it's kept me this emotionless, I could've continued following it.

"I didn't film anything," Wakatoshi stated calmly. "Besides, I'm in the video with you." He pointed to the little figure of himself to prove his innocence.

Wayuri grunted in anger. "There was no one else in the room, Toshi. So please, tell me if you're lying. Hell, I might even forgive you."

"I'm not lying, I didn't post anything." Wayuri looked at the captain to see if he was lying, but his face didn't show a hint of sarcasm. Regardless, she still didn't believe him. Why did I allow myself to become attached to this boy?

Wayuri plopped onto the ground relieve her stress. Wakatoshi did the same, but Wayuri didn't notice.

"Yuri, are you okay?" Wakatoshi asked. However, she didn't give an answer.

"Yuri, please answer me," he asked pleadingly. Wayuri snapped at his words and jolted up.

"Just stay away from me!" she shouted. Wayuri immediately regretted the words that came out of her mouth, but refused to apologize. Despite Wakatoshi's brief explanation, she still didn't believe him.

Wayuri was going to follow her rule from now on, even if it meant distancing herself from her friends. She didn't want to feel deceived by people she cared about, so she was going to make sure she didn't care about them anymore.

Wayuri's POV

I woke up from a small tap on my shoulder. I opened my eyes and was greeted by a tall figure.

"Toshi-chan?" I asked while looking up. However, when my eyes met his, anger started forming in me. I stood up and ran out the door, planning to jog alone.

I sprinted the whole way and Toshi was unable to catch up with me. I was getting tired midway through the jog, but I forced myself to continue. I didn't want to talk to Toshi and this was the only way I could avoid him.

I made it to the house 20 minutes earlier than usual and Toshi was probably still running. As I was grabbing my uniform for the day, I looked at one of his trophies. It reminded me of him as my blood started boiling.

"FUCK YOU, TOSHI!" I shouted at his display of trophies, aware that no one was in the house. "WHY'D YOU BETRAY ME?" I threw one of his pillows back on his bed, not trying to cause any damage since I didn't actually live here.

"Why'd you make me believe that I belonged here?" I whispered to myself as more tears were erupting.

"...because you do belong." Toshi popped out of nowhere. I was a bit shocked of his presence and gave a small gasp.

"You pervert." I shoved him out of my way so I could get through, I needed to get on with life either way.

Author's POV

Yuri was changing in the bathroom, trying to fix herself up as quickly as possible so she could walk to the academy alone. However, Wakatoshi was quicker so he made her walk to school with him.

The walk was silent, but it wasn't the same. There was tension in the air, and it was looming around them the whole time.

"Yuri?" Wakatoshi called. Wayuri quickly looked the opposite direction from the captain and started walking faster, but he did the same to catch up with her.

"Why are you mad at me?" he asked. "I didn't do anything."

Wayuri started fueling with rage. So he's a traitor and a liar, she thought. Tears started bursting from her eyes at the thought of Wakatoshi being a back-stabber.

"Are you ok-" Wakatoshi was stopped by a hand touching his arm. Wayuri gave a small look. Wakatoshi noticed her emotions by the look in her eyes. She didn't feel angry, she felt betrayed.

She noticed that Wakatoshi was distracted and ran away as far as she could. She ended up at a convenience store and ended up eating a pint of ice cream by herself. Wayuri looked at a clock and noticed the time.

I'll start heading back since I don't want to be late. Wayuri started running towards the academy, getting closer and closer with every step. She was energized by her early dessert, no longer having the feeling of exhaustion in her body.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Wayuri made it to class and was sitting next to Wakatoshi, as usual. She tried her best not to make eye contact, but he, on the other hand, was trying to talk to her. Wakatoshi wanted to make sure she knew that he hadn't done anything wrong.

In the middle of another boring lesson, Wakatoshi tried to stir up conversation with the girl.

"Yuri-chan?" he whispered.


She was on the verge of breaking. Wayuri heard Wakatoshi, but she wanted to ignore him. At this point, she was too attached to the boy and was considering to even forgive him if he apologized. She didn't care that her secret got out. Sure, she'd have to deal with a lot more bullying at school, but she was immune to it.

I know that I feel betrayed, and I know that it's only caused by someone who I care about. So why did I let this happen? Wayuri asked herself. I knew that this would happen, so why couldn't I avoid it?

"Are you okay?" Wakatoshi asked, but Wayuri didn't hear him.

Wayuri felt a hand wrapped against her wrist and instinctively, she stood up from her seat and slapped his cheek with all of the strength coming from the betrayal she felt inside of her. When she looked up to see who she hit, her pencil dropped on the floor and her eyes were wide.

What have I done?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


I'll just leave you with this cliffhanger for today, but I feel like you'll be able to guess who it is... or not 😉

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