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Wakatoshi's POV

As soon as Wayuri got on the floor and laid down, she almost immediately went to sleep. She looks so peaceful.

I turned my head to face her sleeping figure. Her head was towards me at the time, so I could examine her features really well. She looked really comfortable on the floor, but she didn't move at all. I guess when she slept at her previous foster homes she was only given a small space.

I planned on taking a run in the morning, as usual. I stood up and changed my alarm to wake up at 5:15 am. As I laid back down on the floor, I saw her head off from the pillow.

I laid my left arm next to her head, trying to get comfortable. But, she took it and laid her head on it. She must think I'm her pillow. Oh well, there's nothing wrong with that, right?

Wayuri's POV

I woke up at 5:00 am sharp. I've trained myself to be able to wake up without the use of an alarm because I would have to do all the chores before I left for school in my previous homes.

I saw that I was laying on... Wakatoshi's arm? His arm was basically my pillow. Great, I just really hope he isn't a pervert.

His other arm was wrapped around my waist, even though I was facing without him. Please god, tell me he's not a pervert.

I tried my best not to wake Wakatoshi as I was trying to get up. I took his right arm, trying to move his hand away from my waist. Please pillow, don't leave me, he mumbled unconsciously.

Suddenly, I got pulled into his grasp, but this time I was facing him. My faces was inches from his, and I could hear his soft breathing. At least he's not a pervert when he's awake, I thought.

I removed his hands from my body, more carefully this time. I stood up and walked outside the door, trying to look for something to do.

I saw Aiyoko-san drinking her coffee from a mug. "Goodmorning Wayuri-san," she said with a sleepy voice. "I see you've woken up early."

"Yes, I did. Is there anything you need for me to do today?" I asked. Is she really serious about not giving me that much to do?

"No. As I said, everything has been handled. This isn't like your previous homes, I'll inform you when I need help."

I nodded to her but then turned my head and found Wakatoshi-san.

"Goodmorning Wakatoshi," Aiyoko greeted him.

"Goodmorning kaa-san, I'm going to go on a run, as usual." Wakatoshi stated.

I looked at what he was wearing. A navy blue shirt and a Shiratorizawa sweater over it. He was also wearing running shorts.

"Oh okay," Aiyoko-san responded. But I could tell she had something in mind. "Say, Wayuri-san, since you woke up early as well, would you like to join Wakatoshi on this?"

"Sure," I replied with a small smile. Let's see if he'll be able to keep up with me, I grinned at the thought.

"Great, you can just stay in those clothes since they're already athletic wear." Aiyoko-san said.

I nodded at her and excused myself from the two of them. I quickly went up to Wakatoshi's room to get my piece of string from my bag. As soon as I found it, I tied my hair into a high ponytail and went back to where Wakatoshi and Aiyoko-san were sitting.

"Okay then. Off you go, you two." Aiyoko-san said gleefully while gesturing her hand to the exit.

Me and Wakatoshi walked to the door and started putting on our shoes.

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