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Charlie's POV

I frowned looking at my wristwatch.
Where the hell is he?

Its been a few good hours since we've gotten here at my brother's pack.
The constructors are already started building the base of the new pack house.

The boys are also using some safe kids materials building god knows what.
Caine is entertaining them.

I rang up Drake's phone again but he doesn't pick up cause it goes straight to voice mail.

"Alright boys. We have to go now. Something doesn't feel right" I said the last part to myself as the boys pout.

"Awe papa, 5 more miwutes" Lukas said and I shook my head holding my ground.

"I'm sorry kiddo. We'll come back tomorrow?" They smiled. Giving me an exact replica of Drake's dimpled smile but just a baby faced version of him.

"Pwomise?" Lukas asks again and I nod.

"I promise my little prince. Now come on. I'm sure you guys miss daddy" they nod as we got in our family red SUV.

"Bye uncle Caine"

"Bye untle kay" the boys said.

Caine chuckled and kissed the pups heads.

"Goodbye my brave little builders. I'll see you tomorrow ok?be good to your dads" they nod and Caine fished out two packets of KitKat candy chocolate chip.

He walks to my side in the driver's side.
"Thanks a lot Charlie. I know it isn't easy for you. I'm sorry about the fire" I waved my hands off looking through the rear view meeting Lucion panicked one.

"Its ok Caine. Just...drop it" I nudge to the boys in the back and he nods in understanding.

"Bye my handsome nephews princes" the boys giggled as we pulled away.

I see a few BMWs and the SUVs behind me following our car back to Drake's house.

Upon arriving, Bruce unloads the car.
During our whole time at the pack, we were able to get to town to pick up our newly bought clothes after I was online shopping.
So Bruce went to pick them up from the airport.

They start unloading the car and I walked in.
Its really quiet except for the giggles coming from Drake's office

I walked in my face paled and my heart broke at what I saw.

By Drake's desk sits a familiar blonde woman wearing nothing but lingeries as they make out on his desk.
Drake pulls away looking horrified at me.

"No! Charlie!wait!" I turned back around grabbing the boys hands as we walked back downstairs.

I hear him calling my name.

"Wait! Please! Charlie?! Its not what it looked like! I swear..." He yells after me as some guards bought in the suitcases.

"Put the suitcases back in the car. NOW!"  I said angrily.

Stupid! Stupid! Stupid Charlie!

The guards nodded at once an put the suitcases back in the car.
Tears threatened to spill down my cheeks but I just sucked it up.

"Papa?what's going on?why are we leaving daddy?" I hear Lucion asking and I shake my head.

"Not now Lucion. Get your brother in the car. Wait for me there..." He nods obediently and the guards helped them into the car.

I have to get my laptop.

Drake goes to grab my hand but I pulled my hand harshly away like his hand burned me.

"Wait Charlie! Please.... Wait! I swear its not what it looks like,please believe me..." He keeps talking trying to grab my attention but I just keep walking. My laptop tucked in my arms safely.

"Please!....." He begs as I open the front door and he grabs my elbow.

I pushed him away and he pushed back, my back hits the back of a sharp object and I clutched my head smelling my metallic bloody scent.

I looked at him horrified and back at my palm that had my blood on it.

That would be the last straw at chances. Screw him.

I turned away from him and walked down the stairs off his porch.
"Shit!Charlie! Stop please! I'm sorry!..." My guards have their guns out pointing directly at him for hurting me. Its even harder to convince them now... Especially Bruce.

"Get in the car Charlie. Let's go" I only nodded and obediently got in the car.

The boys are earily quiet.

"What do you say we go to one of our hotels huh?" I said attempting a cheerful tone but even I can't make it any more cheerful when I see their faces.
So many emotions running through them and I really wanna hit myself for how sad it is that they're so young. Too young to feel all those kind of emotions.

"Let's just go paps" Lucion said in a hateful tone and Lukas nods slightly looking out the window.

We drive off following the black SUV in front of us.
"I'm really sorry boys you had to see that..." I said glancing through the rear view mirror.

Lucion looks at me meeting my eyes and looks away again.

"Its not your fault papa. We both saw what happened" he says and I just keep driving. Extremely speechless at this point.

Once we drove to our new house for the rest of the week. Hopefully.

I get out and see my guards getting outve their cars and unloading the cars with our things.

I take ahold of Lukas hand and Lucion comes to hold my other one.

We walked in greeting the three maids.
"Hi. I'm Charlie. These are my kids. The eldest Lucion and the youngest Lukas" I said introducing us and they greet us back.

Maya, Emily and Teresa.

We get settled in quickly and the boys decided to nap with me in the master bedroom suite.

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