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(Roman Riots Tatooes)

Charlie's POV

1 week later▶▶▶▶

Its been a week since I've met Roman.
The boys absolutely love him. He's been really sweet and caring and always skiing to take me on a date but I always refuse.

I feel like I'm moving too fast.
Last night, Drake showed up at my house and attacked my guards.
Roman had moved all of us behind him and faced the pissed off Alpha Drake.

He looked so different.

A lot of drama went down then and that night Roman stayed over to make sure we were ok. He slept on the couch while the boys and I slept on the bed.

He still hasn't showed me his other being which I knew for sure wasn't a wolf.
But what could it be?

Lukas and Lucion really liked having Roman over which I'm glad because Roman is my second chance mate.

I don't know what's wrong with Drake but I felt like he'd lost his humanity to his power hungry wolf.
The council of my brother's pack and Drake's pack has come to a decision that Drake will be taken to the royal werewolf court for breaking werewolf law.

Apparently he's been involved in the blackmarket recently.
Selling innocent omegas for money so he could upgrade his pack.
The omegas were retrieved and rescued back but many other ones have been unfortunate so today,we'll be paying our respect as the Luna of the pack to our fellow fallen pack members.

The pack already knows about me being Luna and the kids being future alpha of the pack and they've all voted that I be their new alpha and take care of the pack but its honestly a big responsibility, I don't think I can do it.

Roman has been nothing but supportive.
As I'm busying myself with the Silver Moons pack paperwork's, Roman had taken up the father figure role and has been looking after the boys.

"Babe. Come have breakfast" speak of the handsome devil.

"Yeah. I'll be right there. I just have to finish this" I said not looking up from my laptop.

He's been calling me endless pet names and I secretly like them but I'm never telling him that. No way

"Yeah no. That's not happening. You said that yesterday when I asked you to come down for dinner" he says again and soon I'm lifted off my seat over his shoulder and facing his ass.


Did he just spank my ass?!

"The boys miss you" he says when I asked to be put down.

"I'm sorry. Come on then. Let's go have breakfast" I said taking ahold of his tattooed hand but he doesn't move.

"I have to drop by in my office around town. I'll be there for the pack funeral" I nod as he pecks my cheek.

"See you later baby. Do we have the wreathe for the funeral?" he says but I shook my head.

"Ok. I'll make sure to pick up flowers then. Are the boys like allergic to any kind of flower or pollen?" I shook my head  as he nodded pecking my cheek one more time before he walks outside and into his sleek Porsche lambrogini Cayenne.

I walked into the kitchen listening to the boys speaking.

"I'd like Roman to be my new daddy too but I don't really know if he wants that"

"Yeah he seems nice. He made us our favourite bweakfas so yeah" Lukas said making me smile.

"Do you he'd hurt papa like daddy did?" Lucion asked

"No way. He's way cooler" I heard Lukas say in a defensive tone

"But so was daddy when we first met him and look what happened" it was Lucion.

"Maybe we should test him" Lucion suggested. This kid.

"The friend pass test?" Lukas asked in confusion.

"Yeah but this one will be new daddy pass test" Lucion said back.

"Ok I'm in" Luka said as I walked in.

"Good morning pups" I said trying to pretend like I didn't hear them.

"Good morning papa. How are you?" Lucion asked and I smiled.

"I'm good thanks for asking" I said as I picked up the plate full of food.

"This for me?" I asked to confirm.

"Yeah. Roman made it" I nod as I took a seat in front of them facing them as they ate at the dinner table in their boosters seats.

"Where's woahman papa?" Lukas asked as he looked around.

"Oh. He had to drop in at work in town. He said he'd meet us at the funeral" they nod as they ate.

We conversed over breakfast about multiple things. They had apparently a lot of fun with Roman lately.
They went rock climbing in the backyard.

My phone rings as I stop eating my toast and egg.

"Hello?Charlie Lockwood speaking"

"Hey babe. Can you give the boys the phone" I frowned. It was Roman.
I passed the phone and Lucion was the one talking. I see a smile light up his face and he gives that million dollar dimpled smile.

Boy will he be a heartbreaking pantydropper when he grows up?yes he will.

"Kay bye" he says and hands me back my phone.

"What was that about?" I asked eating a piece of bacon.

"Nothing" he says the smile not disappearing anytime soon.

He and Lukas share a cheeky grin. Oh no. That can't be good.
Lukas giggled and brushed the curly raven black bang over his silver eyes.

I give them a raised eyebrow look.

"Its nothing paps" Lucion said.

"Yeah. We're not planning anything" Lukas piped in.

Hmm, very convincing Lukas. Very convincing.

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