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Romans thumb stroked my side as I lay directly on top of him.
We were both naked, legs tangled with each others.

We had finally consummated the mating bond.
He wore my mark on his neck for the world to see and I wore his.

I could NOT feel my fucking legs,screw it I couldn't feel most of my body.
Roman was truly a bear in bed.

(A/N: get it??😁😁 bear??😂😂😂)

I remember, I was so drained from coming so many times.
We had gone for several rounds the whole night that when morning came,we were in no mood to detangle ourselves from each other hold.....

Roman moved a bit making me wince in pain that erupted from my back.
It took me a few rounds to actually accommodate his size- that's how big he was.

Very very big.

"Ok baby,I'm gonna prepare you a nice warm bath,yeah?" I just nodded sluggishly against him as he moved be on the bed, gently as possible...

As soon as my head hit the soft pillow,I was out like a light.

I felt myself getting picked up into strong arms.
My head was guided to a neck and I took in the person's scent.


Soon,I'm gently placed into warm water that smelled of Roman's shampoo.
Roman got in with me and started bathing me as I felt myself drift off to sleep.


"Daddy,what's wong wif papa?" I hear Lukas ask.

"Papa's tired baby,why don't you draw papa a picture for when he wakes up,yeah" I hear Roman tell Lukas.

"Didn't papa sleep last night" this time it was Lucion asking.

"Well....papa and I were very busy but let's not disturb papa from having his rest and we go make cookies or something?" Roman asked them quickly changing the subject.

" can we go wock cwimbing wif Peter after I dwar papa his picture?" I hear Lukas ask in excitement.

"Ye-" Roman started but Lucion cut in.

"Absolutely not. Peter is too old for you to play with him Lukas. You can only play with me" Lucion says.

"Thas not twue. Peter is onwy fwee mons owder" Lukas says on the verge of tears.

"I said no Lukas" Lucion yelled and I woke up.

"Hey,that's enough Lucion,apologise to your brother this instant" Roman says in a stern tone as he picked up a now sobbing Lukas who hid his face in Roman's collar bone,his small hands to his face.

Lucion glared angrily at Roman before he sighed and muttered 'I'm sorry' before leaving the room.

"Lukas? Baby,are you ok?" I asked making myself known as he was now hiccuping into Roman's chest who rubbed his back soothingly.

Roman walked to me and put a crying Lukas on my chest who snuggled to my bare chest.

"Papa, W-Wucion is m-mean" he pouted with a hiccup.

"Oh my baby, its gonna be ok"

Regrets after Rejected (MxM)Where stories live. Discover now