Thirty Six

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Charlie's POV

I walked into the kitchen after doing paperwork when I hear someone moving around in the kitchen.

Must be Roman.

I checked in the boys only to find 2 mop of black curly locks sleeping soundly on the bed,with Lukas cuddling close to Lucions chest with his thumb in his mouth.

I took a picture of them,so cute.

I walked into the kitchen seeing my sexy mate making something without a shirt on.
He sensed me and looked up.

"Hi baby" he says putting some green chopped up fresh vegetables on the silver cooking pan.

He walks over to me after putting the board in the sink and kissed me deeply,his hands finding the front of my shirt and he starts taking it off,his hands rubbing circles over my pacs.

I pulled away out of breath,his mouth latched on my neck as I moaned.
My eyes closes slowly and I run my hand through his hair.

"Oh fuck! Roman!A-Aghh!" He bites into the skin of my neck,where he'd mark me.

His eyes are completely the light brown color of his bear.

He kisses me again as I felt his hard on against his pants.
It's poking my abdomen area.

"We should stop" I panted as I captured his lips with my own.
His hands squeeze my ass making me moan again.

"If you don't want me to pound into your tight little hole right now baby,I suggest you stop what you're doing" he says when he gestured to my hand that was on the front of his pants over his bulge.

Just as I was kissing down his neck again,over his Adams apple, Cole and Jesse walked in.
Jesse covered his son's eyes as Trevor giggled.

"Papa, I wanna see" I hear Trevor whine to Jesse.

I pulled away from Roman blushing like a school girl as Roman kissed the side of my head his arms snaking around me.

"Um....your food's burning" Cole says as Roman cussed under his breath,low enough that Trevor didn't hear us.

After fishing out the food,Roman grated cheese over it and puts it in front of me.
"Go on,taste it babe" I nodded taking a seat as I ate. I moaned loving the taste of it as Roman hugged me from behind.

"You're making me hard with your moans baby" he says and Jesse and Cole along with Trevor waited for us in the living room..

Once we entered,I see Jesse and Cole sitting in between Trevor.
When Trevor sees us he waved at us.

"Hi uncle Charlie" I chuckled at his childishness.

"Hello Trevor" I replied back.

"Um...where's Lukas?" He asked me.

"Baby, Lukas and Lucion are having their nap upstairs. You can play with them when they wake up,yeah?" Trevor nodded with a disappointed sigh.

Just then I heard a loud cry from upstairs.
Roman ran upstairs and I quickly followed in pursuit after excusing myself from the beta's family downstairs.

I walked into the room seeing Roman hugging Lukas and Lucion tightly.
"Hey,what's wrong?" When Lukas heard my name, his pouty face moved from Roman's face as Lucion kept hiding his face into Roman's chest.

"Papa" Lukas says before hiding his face in my neck taking in my scent.
It calmed the pup knowing the father wolf was here.

A second later and Cole walked in with Jesse and Trevor.
Trevor ran to me,
"Lukas?are you ok?" Lukas shook his head with his face still in my chest.

"N-no?" He said it like a question against my chest,tucked safely under my chin.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Trevor asked as us the adults just stayed quiet.

"No" I heard Lukas mumble.

"Papa told me it makes you feel better when you tell what's wrong" Trevor's says again and I'm shocked at what happens next.

"HE DOESN'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT TREVOR!SO LEAVE HIM ALONE!" Lucion snapped as his eyes turned bright gold before he ran out, after escaping Roman's hold on him.

Trevor looked down mumbling ok before he asked his dad,Jesse to leave.

"I'll go after him" Roman says and I nodded.

I hear a cute snore and see that Lukas has passed out from exhaustion.

I hear two people yelling at each other and the sound of things being thrown against the wall as I rushed out of the boys bedroom where I laid Lukas back to sleep.


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