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Yeonjun's POV

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Yeonjun's POV

Silk Road, Huang He Ridge
September 30, 1744

I sᴛᴏᴏᴅ ғɪʀᴍ on a brick floor as I was reading through the reports of our scouts. Currently, my divine self is personally handling the matters regarding our trade route—Mongols trying to usurp our Empire's Silk Road.

They've been trying to seize our trade route since they knew how important "Silk Road" is for my Empire. Good thing, the construction of the Great Wall has hindered the movements of those uneducated barbarians. I already assigned the soldiers stationed here to use long-distance offense(using bow and arrows) since we have a great advantage to long-distance offense since the walls will restrict their barbaric fighting style. I was about to praise my self for my excellent military skills when one of the generals stationed here recounted one more vital information.

"Your Majesty, we've already tried that strategy. Unfortunately, it didn't work those barbarians countered it." The general immediately said.

"Hmm, be specific, " I replied in an authorizing tone.

"Yes, Your Majesty, every time our soldiers attempt to shoot them down. Our horses always act strangely. Specifically, they run amok and neighs loudly resulting in distracting our bowmen to lose focus, " The general said dejectedly.

"Oh, as the report says they always ambush in the middle of the night when our security is loose. Also, our hostlers said before the horses' panics. The hostlers always hear the ringing of multiple gongs, " I paused. "It seems they're using the gongs to cause panic to our horses. Order your battalion and General Chi's Battalion to prepare fire arrows, " I ordered.

"Yes, Your Majesty. " He lowered his head slightly and bowed.

I was about to take other matters when I remembered I forgot one crucial thing to say to General Liu.

"General Liu, wait. I forgot to say this. Also, tell them to shoot down the barbarians holding the gongs, and tell the hostlers to move our horses away from the wall, and you'll see, " I grinned menacingly, and dismissed General Liu.

As soon as General Liu left. I heard synchronized marching outside my tent. The place went from silent to a busy one. Higher Officials screaming orders, Hostlers moving the horses, and Generals planning the strategy.

My eunuch Beomgyu assisted me to wear my armor. It's not like I don't trust my Generals, but I just want them to see how powerful their Emperor is.

"Do you have to participate, My Liege?" Beomgyu asked.

"Of course! I have to showcase my skills, " I replied boastfully.

"My Liege, it's way too dangerous if something happened to our Great Emperor our Empire will face perilous situations, " Beomgyu worriedly stated.

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