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Ryujin's POV

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Ryujin's POV

Imperial Garden, Forbidden City
January 2, 1745

I ᴅɪᴅɴ'ᴛ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ have that much time to feel ashamed or worried, all things considered. When Yuna and Nakyung dressed me the next morning without a hint of worry, I assumed my presence in the Imperial Garden would be welcome. Even allowing me to come there for a lesson showed a hint of kindness in Yeonjun I hadn't been expecting: I got the last lesson to attend, the last moment as one of the beautiful concubine of the Emperor.

I remembered what he wrote on his letter.

You ask for such simple things, I can't deny you. But for my sake, only on Saturdays, please. Thank you for your company.

Your friend,


We were halfway through the lessons before Somi worked up the courage to ask me about our date.

"How was it?" She asked quietly, the way we were meant to speak when we're in the middle of a lesson. But those three small words made ears all up and down the hall perk up, and everyone within hearing distance was paying attention.

I took a breath. "Indescribable."

The concubines looked at one another, clearly hoping for more.

"How did he act?" Haseul asked.

"Umm." I tried to chose my words carefully. "Not at all how I expected he would."

This time, little murmurs went around the hall.

"Are you being like this on purpose?"  Lady Wang interjected. "If you are, it's awfully mean."

I shook my head. How could I explain this? That I kneed Yeonjun on his Royal Jewels? "No, it's just that—"

But the door of the hall opened causing the Empress Dowager to stop talking. All of us turned to the person who opened the door. It was Yeonjun, my heart sank. I'm sure he'll humiliate me in front of these people. I sucked a breath.

He stared at me, I looked away and stared at my lap. Praise the heavens, the Empress Dowager spoke breaking the tense vibe around the hall.

"My Liege, you didn't tell me beforehand that you'll come here. A sudden visit, indeed." The Empress Dowager spoke in a motherly tone compared to when she talks to us.

"Good Morning, Mother. I just happened to walk past here. Since I finished reading memorials and meeting with the Ministers. Also, I want to visit my lovely concubines." He smiled resulting in flirtatious giggles, whispers, and sighs from the other 12 concubines.

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