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Third Person's POV

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Third Person's POV

Inner Court, Forbidden City
February 9, 1745

Tʜᴇ ɪɴᴠᴇsᴛɪɢᴀᴛᴏʀ ᴄᴀᴜᴛɪᴏᴜsʟʏ picked up the chopsticks on the side. He carefully opened Ryujin's mouth, and carefully removed the persimmon underneath Ryujin's tongue then he placed the persimmon on a small bowl. Sooyoung and Lord Zhang were peeking over the investigator's shoulders while Soobin and Taehyun stood near the door; watching them afar.

"What is that?" Lord Zhang inquired.

"A red date under her tongue." The investigator turned to Lord Zhang and carefully thrust the bowl forward for Sooyoung and Lord Zhang to see.

"Have it tested."

"Yes, sir." The investigator bowed and left the infirmary along with Sooyoung. Lord Zhang stayed for a while to check Ryujin's vitals before excusing himself to Soobin and Taehyun.

Soobin and Taehyun checked if no one was around the hall of the infirmary. Reluctantly, they carefully walked to where Ryujin was lying down. Taehyun looked indifferent while Soobin looked melancholic. It was quite a contrast to behold.

"Ryujin. It takes more than a smidgeon of poison to fell to those that I helped." Soobin heaved a sigh. "I expect you to be better."

Taehyun and Kai looked at him, it wasn't your typical calm look but it was a look that has a second meaning behind. A eunuch who was waiting outside announced that Yeonjun arrived to visit Ryujin. Soobin, Taehyun, and Kai moved to the side of the bed when they saw Yeonjun's worried face. The three of them greeted him but he simply ignored them and went straight to where Ryujin was resting. Yeonjun turned to Beomgyu and nod his head at him.

"His Majesty wants to be alone, if we may?" Beomgyu pointed toward the door. Taehyun and Kai bowed and left the room while Soobin stole one last glance at Ryujin before leaving the room, too. Now, only Ryujin and Yeonjun were the only ones left inside the room; the sad thing about that moment was one of them was unconscious and might end up dead the next second.

Yeonjun sat at the edge of the bed, eyes welled-up while staring at the unconscious Ryujin. Caressing her cheeks, he spoke, "Is this fight really important to you, that you have to poison yourself? I'm sorry Ryujin, I didn't see this competition meant really to you. I failed, forgive me. I could end this whole competition if you can say that three words."


This time the investigation took place inside the Hall of Union, it was on a smaller scale this time. Only Jennie, the Dowager, a small number of servants, and the inspectors-which Jennie prepared for. The General Investigator moved the bowl in a circular motion before pouring the content into the cloth. Like the previous investigation, he checked each silver balls for poison. He shook his head causing Jennie to smirk and raise her eyebrows at the Dowager.

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