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Ryujin's POV

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Ryujin's POV

Forbidden City, China
October 7, 1745

I ᴡᴏᴋᴇ ᴜᴘ the feeling of Yeonjun sliding an arm around me. Somewhere in the night, I ended up with my head on his chest, and the slow sound of his heartbeat was echoing in my ear. Without a word, he kissed my hair and went to hold me closer. I couldn't believe this was happening. I was here with Yeonjun, together, waking up in my bed. This morning he would be giving me a ring. . . 

"We could wake up like this every day," he mumbled.

I giggled. "You're reading my mind."

He sighed contentedly. "How are you feeling, my dear?"

"I feel like punching you for calling me 'my dear' mostly." I poked his bare stomach.

Smiling, he crawled to sit over me. "Fine then. My darling? My beloved? My sweetheart?"

"Any of those would work, so long as you've reserved it solely for me," I said, my hands mindlessly wandering his chest, his arms. "What am I supposed to call you?"

"Your Imperial Husbandness. It's required by the law, I'm afraid." His own hands glided over my skin, finding a delicate spot on my neck.

"Don't!" I said, shying away.

His responding smile was triumphant. "You're ticklish!"

Despite my protests, he started running his fingers all over me, making me shriek at the playful touching. Near as quickly as I began squealing, I stopped. A eunuch rushed through the door, the sword is drawn.

This time I screamed, pulling up the sheet to cover myself. I was so frightened that it took me a moment to realize the determined eyes of the guard belonged to Kai. It felt as if my face caught on fire, I was so humiliated.

Kai looked mortified. He couldn't even put a sentence together as his eyes flashed back and forth between Yeonjun's naked body and me draped in a sheet to cover mine, My shock was finally broken by a deep laugh.

For as terrified as I was, Yeonjun was the picture of ease. In fact, he seemed pleased at being caught. His voice was a little smug as he spoke. "I assure you, Kai, she's perfectly safe."

Kai cleared his throat, unable to look either of us in the eye—to think he was once Yeonjun's eunuchs—to think he would see both of us, the people he served together all bare in bed. "Of course, Your Majesty." He bowed and left, closing the door behind him.

I fell over, moaning into my pillow. I would never live that down. I should have told Kai not to enter my room last night, but wait, my servants weren't here last night. I moaned once again into my pillow, frustrated.

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