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Ryujin's POV

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Ryujin's POV

Palace of Celestial Favor, Forbidden City
February 23, 1745

Tᴡᴏ ᴡᴇᴇᴋs ᴘᴀssᴇᴅ since Jennie and Consort Tang got banished to the Frozen Palace. The entire Imperial Palace was tranquil since that mother and daughter pair were gone, the lessons every Friday wasn't as suffocating as when Jennie was the one teaching. We haven't talked to the concubines when Jennie was here since she forbade us talking to them. Now, Haseul and Somi were frequently visiting the concubines in their palace. I noticed a small wedge between Pinky and me since I was poisoned she occasionally talked to me.

I respected her decisions, but what was suspicious is I always see her sneaking around the training grounds of the Imperial Guards, albeit it was scorching hot in that place she kept standing beside a wall as if she was waiting for someone. Well, the Dowager certainly tried to cut off our connection to each other, not like I mind. It's not like I need her help anymore, I already have my maids, eunuch, family, and friends helping me.

But she failed since she realized that Jennie and Consort Tang might be back for revenge. I didn't offer my hands at her; I knew she wanted my help once again, but knowing her tendency to scheme behind at me. I just rolled my eyes in my head.

Thankful, I decided to stay inside the Imperial Palace-even though Dowager gave us two weeks to anything we want. I really wanted to visit my family back in Joseon but two weeks is too short counting the days I have to travel back and forth. I would only have two days in total to stay with my family.

My back was propped to a small soft pillow, my right hand holding a manuscript while my left hand was holding a rice cake. I don't have anything to do at this massive palace. Pinky went to visit her family along with Taehyun. While the rest, hm, I don't feel like talking to them.

I heaved a deep sigh. "When boredom strikes."

I placed the manuscript down and stretched my back. I decided to go outside to get some air. I told my servants not to disturb me. Walking down the hall, I heard Yuna and my maids giggling about the Imperial Guards who were running on the training grounds yesterday; not to mention they were topless.

I let out a silent snicker and continued my way to the pavilion behind the main hall of my palace. I sat on a chair and closed my eyes. Letting myself to be lulled by my drowsy eyes.

"Your Grace? Your Grace? Ryujin?" I felt someone shaking me softly. I opened my left eye to see who was waking me up, it was Hyunjin.

I opened both of my eyes and checked the surroundings before focusing on Hyunjin again.

"Hyunjin, How long did I sleep?" I mumbled, rubbing my aching eyes.

"You slept the entire morning, it's already past lunch. Yuna and the rest didn't wake you up since you told them to."

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