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Ryujin's POV

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Ryujin's POV

Joseon, Juknokwon Forest
October 7, 1744

Sᴇᴛᴛɪɴɢ ᴜᴘ ᴘɪᴛ-ғᴀʟʟ traps all around the area, so I'll have a huge chance to catch the rumored *Neuktai preying the local deers causing an uproar to the hunters that need to hunt for an income-since this is their only source of income.

I need to catch this predator, so I can win the bet and show those cocky bastards that women can also hunt. Nice, Hitting 2 birds in 1 stone. I was too occupied setting up the traps. Suddenly, I heard rustling in a bush 13 meters away from me. Immediately grabbed my bow and dagger before walking toward where the sound originated.

I was walking slowly to avoid startling the animal making the sound, I was 5 meters away from the tree when I saw a familiar brown fur. Realizing, that it was the Neuktai I was hunting for. I grabbed an arrow for my quiver and aimed at the Neuktai making sure that my arrow will hit directly in the fatal part of the Neuktai. When I stretched the string of my bow the Neuktai noticed my presence and ran towards me.

Startled, I accidentally released the arrow and missed the shot. The Neuktai was too fast and closed our distance, it was 3 meters away from me. I stumbled and crawled backward. It pounced on me, but I managed to block it with my bow it kept trying to bite me. The bow made a sound I noticed that my bow can't hold off the jaw of the Neuktai.

Fortunately, I brought my dagger with me. I unsheathed the dagger from its cover and stabbed the side of the Neuktai it howled in pain before it can recover from the pain I kicked it away from me. Luckily, it fell to a pit-fall trap and died instantly.

I was ecstatic that I screamed, "I won! I won! Ha! Those bastards will be speechless."

Then I carefully grabbed the body of the Neuktai from the wooden spike. I ran to grab the basket I brought along with me, and place the body there. After, I traversed the forest and saw my maid Yuna waiting for me outside the forest.

I screamed at her, "Yuna! I successfully hunted the rumored predatorial animal in the forest."

Yuna looked toward me and gasped excitedly. "Oh my! Your Highness, I knew you could do it, you always win every time."

I smirked at her. "As always."

Yuna rolled her eyes at me and smiled sarcastically. "Your Highness, you're too full of yourself."

"I'm stating a fact." I shrugged.

Even though Yuna is my maid I treated her as an equal, to be specific as a little sister. I didn't mind her giving me a sarcastic remark, she was about to retort, but I cut her off.

"Let's go to the plaza, and show those bastards that I caught the Neuktai," I sneered before I can proceed to walk, Yuna screamed.

"Your Highness! Don't say such foul words you're a princess!" Yuna glared at me.

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