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Ryujin's POV

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Ryujin's POV

Palace of Great Benevolence, Forbidden City
December 22, 1744

A ᴍᴏɴᴛʜ ᴀɴᴅ a half had passed since I entered the Imperial Palace. A month of testing our intelligence, wits, and temperament had passed. A lot happened within that month and a half, Yeji snatched Lia's rank, Yena's servants keeps changing every week, Pinky had a heated argument with Lady Qu. Lady Dong was eliminated unbeknownst to us she left with red eyes as if she cried. The month past by at a speed of light.

December, it was already snowing, the yellow glazed roof of the Empire was covered with thick white snow. It wasn't bad, it looks picturesque. Everyone including the court ladies, eunuchs, and maids were wearing some type of coat to cover themselves with the harsh skin peeling December air. Today, servants were preparing for the Spring Festival the atmosphere of the palace was festive. Concubines were already planning what to wear for the banquet for the Spring Festival were everyone would have a chance to talk with the Emperor alone. All of us were preparing for a performance to amaze the Emperor—even though I don't need to since we already meet.

Yuna was already sewing my hanfu for the banquet. Pinky and Heejin were as energetic as always planning something grand since they decided both of them will perform together they also invited me to join them but I declined. I already prepared something to perform for the Spring Festival. The shrubs that were once green and lush were covered with the opaque, still pristine and white snow. We were staying in my room since both of them insisted that my room is the grandest, largest, and comfortable to have tea. Papers were spread in the center of my room, depicting the entire Imperial Palace layout, Spiritual paintings, Proses. Heejin and Pinky were brain-storming what present would they give the Emperor along with the love token they brought.

Clutters of silk cloth, gold threads, beads, precious gems, around me. I was weaving a hanfu for the Emperor to be different from the rest. It would go along with the love token the Empress Dowager brought for me. I did acquire these materials (gold threads, silk cloth, etc.) from the Dowager when she talked to me privately. I was humming a song to entertain myself. Half-way done with the hanfu I heard Heejin calling me.

"Jin'er what present would the Emperor like? Paintings? Swords? Money? No not money since he already has that. This is making my brain twist!" Heejin whined splashing the ink on her drawing. "Oh no! My painting!" she screamed trying to salvage her ruined drawing.

I sighed and placed the hanfu I was working on the arhat bed, I walked toward Heejin. "I think the Emperor would like something that could aid him with his works. Think about it, he's always occupied with political issues, barbarians ravaging the lands he worked hard to achieve for." I picked up the papers to tidy up my room at least for a tiny bit.

Pinky dropped her brush and looked at us. "Good Idea! Thanks Jin'er!" she beamed with a positive aura. She stood up and excused herself to call her servants.

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