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Ryujin's POV

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Ryujin's POV

Forbidden City, Beijing
October 12, 1744

Eɴᴛᴇʀɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ᴇɴᴏʀᴍᴏᴜs main gate of the palace amazed me. It was as if I entered into a different world, a world only for immortal beings can enter. Right after going out of it, I saw five stone bridges that bend like a bow in the square before the gate of 'Supreme Harmony'—Gu Ning mentioned a moment ago when we were inside the main gate.

I followed Gu Ning with silent-delicate steps that sounds like I was stepping a pink lotus with caution. I didn't notice that Gu Ning was observing every move I make. As were about 5 meters away from the bending bridges Gu Ning did a quick reminder.

"As you can see, Your Highness." She pointed the middle bridge with grace. "The central bridge is reserved only for the Emperor to cross. That's why its balustrades are decorated with patterns of dragons among clouds." She turned her head at me and showed her respect.

I nodded my head acknowledging her lessons and ask softly, "How about the other four? (bridges). How does it serve?"

Her lips curved into a smile, "Good question, Your Highness, of the four secondary bridges, the pair flanking the central bridge is for imperial princes and kinsmen, while the outer pair is for city officials and military officers of the third rank or higher,"

I thanked Gu Ning for her quick-knowledgeable lessons. Yes, my brother-in-law taught me Chinese Arts. Calligraphy, Music, Painting, and etc. But he didn't teach me the internal structure of the Palace he once lived in. We continued moving forward toward the gate using the outermost bridge for city officials.

Dozens of Imperial Guards line along with the gate's wall holding traditional Chinese spears. The gate itself has two smaller gates flanked beside the main gate. 'The Gate of Supreme Harmony' is guarded by two bronze lion. These symbolize imperial power. The lion on the east side is male. Its right front paw is placed on a globe denoting that imperial power extended world-wide. The lioness on the west side has its left front paw on a lion cub. This denotes a thriving and prosperous imperial family—as Gu Ning said that additional facts—I was in awe.

We arrived at the center of the Outer Court of the Palace. I estimated that the large square before we can enter the tallest and grandest hall of the Palace stretched for ten thousand square meters or even larger than that. I walked like a proper royal lady and Gu Ning smirked.

We're at the foot of The Hall of Supreme Harmony white marble three-tiered terrace that is carved with dragon patterns that extend all the way through the throne hall. Alongside the flights of steps which ascend the three tiers of the terrace, there are eighteen bronze Dings, a kind of ancient Chinese vessel, representing the eighteen national provinces. On the luxuriously balustraded terrace, stand a bronze crane and a bronze tortoise, symbols of everlasting rule, and longevity—from what I read from a book my brother-in-law owned.

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