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Ryujin's POV

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Ryujin's POV

Palace of Great Benevolence, Forbidden City
October 28, 1744

A ᴡᴇᴇᴋ ʜᴀᴅ passed since I was called to the Dowager's chamber to carry out her favor. After I returned that day, I was alone inside the entire palace. When the other ladies returned some were disappointed I wasn't eliminated. Pinky and Heejin were teary-eyed they told me their minds weren't really into shopping because they thought I would be gone that day. I lied to them I said the Dowager was just happy for me and my performances the past 2 weeks which both of them bought the lie.

As of now, I'm waiting for Yeonjun's eunuchs to fetch me since Me, Soobin, Yeonjun, and Taehyun would meet in Yeonjun's chamber. Today, Soobin and Yeonjun decided to introduce me to Pinky's older brother Taehyun which I only learned his name last week when Me, Yeonjun, and Soobin were hanging out at the Imperial Garden in the middle of the night to avoid onlookers knowing that I have already met the Emperor. 

I heard a soft knock outside my door, I swiftly turned my head to where Yuna was sleeping, she was still fast asleep. I stood up from my bed and walked toward my door and asked. "Lord Beomgyu?"

"Yes, Your Ladyship. It is I, Beomgyu." Beomgyu replied in a soft tone to avoid the other residents knowing this secret meeting with the Emperor.

I quietly swung my door open and Beomgyu stood there holding a white-linen quilt, Beomgyu immediately wrapped my whole body with the linen to avoid the other servants who are working at this time of the night. Just like the other day, I got wrapped inside the quilt and Beomgyu threw me over his shoulder and swiftly departed to where Yeonjun is.

Uncomfortable, I keep squirming inside the quilt it was sweltering inside the thick-linen quilt and not to mention I can't properly breathe. Beomgyu keeps reminding me not to flail around that much; I can't breathe. I just gave up and waited to arrive at the Hall of Mental Cultivation. 


Hall of Mental Cultivation, Forbidden City
October 28, 1744


Finally, Beomgyu placed me down and I can finally feel the hard soil underneath my shoes. He removed the quilt and I  immediately breathe the cold air. I turned at Beomgyu so he can lead me to Yeonjun's chamber. As we were walking, I noticed a theme, gilded metals, phoenixes and dragons patterns littered the wall, It was a magnificent view.

Soobin and Yeonjun's voices were so loud that I can hear it in the hallway. An unfamiliar voice which I assume Taehyun's voice was scolding them to lower their voices down since it is already late, and most people inside the palace were fast asleep. Beomgyu just sighed he seems done with the childish acts of the Emperor. 

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