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Ryujin's POV

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Ryujin's POV

Palace of Great Benevolence, Forbidden City
October 16, 1744

Hᴇʀᴏɴ's ᴛᴡᴇᴇᴛɪɴɢ ᴏᴜᴛsɪᴅᴇ awoken me from my slumber. Wait, I haven't even slept due to last night's events. Nakyung drew the drapery of my bed letting the sun rays kiss my skin. Xiyeon and Yuna were nowhere to be found, but their voices chatting inside the bath indicate they were already heating my bath. I blinked my eyes adjusting it to the light hitting my eyes.

"Good Morning, Concubine Lee. Kai and Chaeyoung are on their way to serve your breakfast." Nakyung tied the drapes on the side of the bed.

I nodded and stood up from my bed, stretching my sore muscles running such long-distance made my muscles sore. Nakyung already left to prepare my outfit for today. I groggily walked toward the bath, the familiar smell of the bath welcomed me. Yuna was pouring milk into my bathwater. Xiyeon littered different types of flower petals that range to purple, pink, yellow, and white.

I undressed my clothes and walked inside the monstrous tub. I saw Yuna eyeing the dirt stains on my nightgown. Then Xiyeon's careful eyes caught them. Thankfully, none of them asked any questions. After my bath, Nakyung dried my hair, pulling half up with silk ribbons I'd brought from home. They were blue and just so happened to accent the flowers in one of the hanfu Yuna had created for me, so that was what I wore. Yuna did my makeup, which was just as light as the day before, and Nakyung rubbed safflower oil into my arms and legs.

There was an array of ornaments and pieces of jewelry in front of me, but I decided not to wear anything for today just the ribbon I brought from home. Chaeryoung and Kai arrived bringing along my breakfast for today. Smelling the aroma of the food, It made my stomach churn.

"The Imperial Cook prepared this breakfast just for you, Concubine Lee. Water Shield Soup, Fried Shrimp and Eel, and Buttered Tea." Kai placed the dishes in order.

I thanked Kai and picked up the silver chopsticks to devour my breakfast,  but Chaeyoung stopped me, "Concubine Lee, let me taste it first to avoid poisoning accident," Chaeyoung grabbed a silver spoon and tasted every food on the table. She waited for a minute before saying. "Concubine Lee, It is safe to eat these foods," 

It wasn't anything new for me to be cautious at the foods, but our servants only taste our food when my Father held a banquet, festival, and gatherings. I only use a silver spoon to see if the food has poison since the color of the silver will turn violet or green if it has poison in it. Poisons here must be so potent that even silver can't detect it.

As I was eating, I realized that I must have a thing at insulting people at a higher rank than me. I insulted the Prince and the Emperor less than a week, I was amazed by my courage. I smiled unknowingly thinking about Yeonjun and I talked about in the Garden last night. After breakfast, I decided to go to the courtyard to scout ladies that may be a threat to my position.

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