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Soobin's POV

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Soobin's POV

Forbidden City, Beijing
October 19, 1744

Dᴏɪɴɢ ᴍʏ ᴇʀʀᴀɴᴅ, I was checking the Office of Staff Surveillance weeding out rogue palace maids and eunuchs that might threaten my brother's throne. As usual, the women in this palace had never changed since the last reigning sovereign. Some of the maids were giggling, whispering, and trying to draw my attention, so they can be my concubine or main wife. I've never even planned to get married at such a young age. I just shook my head secretly.

"Oh my! Prince Soobin has blessed us his presence."

"His sweet smile, his well-toned body, and his attitude! If I have the chance, I'll do a great job of heating his bed!"

"You're so vile. Prince Soobin doesn't like women that aren't virtuous."

Gu Ning glared at the ladies who were whispering about their fantasies about me. They even wanted to be the concubines' maids, so they have the chance to see or serve the Emperor. All of them straightened their formation and behaved. Today, my brother assigned me to hand out the salaries of eunuchs and palace maids.

I don't know what happened to him these days. He even forgave Taehyun the day after Taehyun insulted him unintentionally. Quirky, Joyful, and Relaxed Yeonjun is the best! He must have a change of hearts. Eyes filled with the emotions he lost when that girl destroyed his view of the world.

"Your Highness?" Gu Ning asked, bringing me back to reality.

"Oh, sorry," I mumbled.

The salary of the palace's servants is enough for their families outside to survive for a month. My hands were sore handing out 2 to 12 silver taels to the servants depending on their ranks. Good Thing, my eunuch was the one recording the names of the servants who received their salary for this month. If it's like the other day I would have rushed and complained to my brother for giving me this tiring job, but I don't wanna pop his bubble it's indeed a rare sight to behold.

Hours had passed before I finished distributing the salaries. Immediately went to the Imperial Garden to unwind. I went to the Garden alone leaving my servants at the Office of Staff Surveillance. The familiar garden was bittersweet, happy, and devastating memories of my childhood. But it didn't stop me from visiting it, this place is the only place where I can unwind beside the Mountain Resort Chengde.

I saw Taehyun and his little sister (Concubine Zhong) talking and drinking tea inside the pavilion where I meet Ryujin, the Emperor only allowed me and Taehyun to enter the Inner Court no other men is allowed to enter the Inner Court. He didn't forbid the eunuchs to enter the Inner Court since they're already castrated. Taking a detour to avoid disrupting their sister-brother bonding time I saw Ryujin throwing small pebbles on the pond. I didn't notice the smile that etched on my lips that is on par with the seventh heaven.

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